Gunslinger to the Stars


Sam Kletchka here, freelance gunslinger and interstellar privateer. This, my friends, is how I went from being stranded in the armpit of the galaxy to becoming the luckiest human in the universe.

This audiobook is auto-narrated. Ebook edition included free with purchase.


Not long from now, in our own Milky Way…

The name’s Sam Kletchka. Perhaps you’ve heard of me: captain of the Star Runner, military contractor for Earthfleet, and interstellar privateer. But before all that, I was a hired gun, freelancing across the galaxy one gunslinging job at a time.

This, my friends, is how I went from being stranded in the armpit of the galaxy to becoming the luckiest human being in the universe. Not that it was easy, of course. I’ve looked death in the face so often, he’s practically an old buddy of mine. But when all your worst enemies are immortal, that’s a buddy you want on your side.

Stay frosty, my friends. You never know what you’ll find at the next star.

This audiobook is auto-narrated. Ebook edition included free with purchase.

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Gunslinger Trilogy

Book 1


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