The rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling is complete!

So I just finished the rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling, after nine days of outlining and prewriting, and five days of working with Sudowrite to generate it. The rough draft clocks in at 18 chapters (plus a prologue and an epilogue), 80 scenes, and 153,254 words. I used about 770,000 AI… Continue reading The rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling is complete!

It’s time for a cover reveal!

This is another great cover by James, over at I’m really happy with how it turned out! I’m working on the AI draft right now, but should have it done very soon. If all goes well, I’ll be publishing it either in July or August. Here is the working back cover copy: Bloodfire Legacy… Continue reading It’s time for a cover reveal!

Jordan Peterson defeats a dragon and saves a princess

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, a ferocious dragon was wreaking havoc on the land. The people were living in constant fear, and no knight dared to face the beast. But then, a wise professor named Jordan Peterson arrived in the kingdom. He had studied the 12 Rules for Life and knew that… Continue reading Jordan Peterson defeats a dragon and saves a princess

Children of the Starry Sea cover reveal!

Behold! This is the ebook cover for Children of the Starry Sea, coming out sometime this summer! If it looks familiar, that’s because I kept the art from my earlier experiments with Stable Diffusion—the feedback was so positive, including from my writing group, that I decided to make only a few minor tweaks, such as… Continue reading Children of the Starry Sea cover reveal!

New Star Wanderers cover reveal!

Behold! This is officially the new ebook cover for Star Wanderers. I’ve uploaded it to all platforms, though I haven’t updated the epub files yet. I’ll also update the paperbacks as soon as I have a chance, though that may take a while, especially with the new baby. This image was AI generated using Stable… Continue reading New Star Wanderers cover reveal!

New Star Wanderers cover mockup

So I’ve been playing around with Stable Diffusion, working on a new cover for Star Wanderers. This is what I came up with: What do you guys think? And how does it compare with the cover mockup I did yesterday for Children of the Starry Sea? …and now I should probably take a break from… Continue reading New Star Wanderers cover mockup