Should I split my epic fantasy series into two trilogies?

So I’m working on the first book in a new epic fantasy series, called the Soulbound King. It’s basically a fantasy retelling of the life of King David, loosely adapted from the biblical stories about his life. I’ve already outlined the first book and generated a rough AI draft, which came in at 153k words.… Continue reading Should I split my epic fantasy series into two trilogies?

The rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling is complete!

So I just finished the rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling, after nine days of outlining and prewriting, and five days of working with Sudowrite to generate it. The rough draft clocks in at 18 chapters (plus a prologue and an epilogue), 80 scenes, and 153,254 words. I used about 770,000 AI… Continue reading The rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling is complete!

One of the best takes on AI-assisted writing that I’ve seen thus far

Even though I’ve been using AI in my writing process for nearly two years now, I still feel like I have so much to learn. Everything is changing so fast, and these tools are becoming more and more breathtaking with each passing month. Just when you think you’ve got them mastered out, you break through… Continue reading One of the best takes on AI-assisted writing that I’ve seen thus far

Farewell to 2024!

It’s new year’s eve, finally! Another year, another voyage around the M-class dwarf star we call Sol! A lot of other writers and podcasters are doing recaps of their year, highlighting some of their best moments as well as analyzing what they learned and what changed. Generally, though, these people are either single or have… Continue reading Farewell to 2024!

Up and Back from Denver

My uncle just got remarried, after losing his wife of some 40+ years to dimentia. The wedding was Saturday, so I flew up there in the early morning with my two sisters who live here in Utah. And then, because my four year-old daughter had her first primary program in church this Sunday, I flew… Continue reading Up and Back from Denver

AI-Assisted Writing: Why Write a Novel with AI?

One of the things about AI-assisted writing that has really surprised me is how resistant other writers can be to the very idea of using AI in their creative writing process. Here in Utah valley, there’s a large enough writing community that we occasionally get together for an informal meetup over lunch, and every time… Continue reading AI-Assisted Writing: Why Write a Novel with AI?

WIP Excerpt: The End of Elysium, Chapter 1

I am really excited about this WIP. Ever since I wrote the short story “The End of Elysium,” I thought it would make a good novel—and now, with the help of AI, I’m able to make that a reality while juggling all of my other writing projects! What follows is the AI-assisted draft of the… Continue reading WIP Excerpt: The End of Elysium, Chapter 1