So I was looking back at my stats, and I couldn’t help but notice that (not counting yesterday’s post) it’s been almost two months since I posted anything on this blog. What happened? I could give all the normal excuses: time flying by, kids taking up the time, etc etc… but that would all be… Continue reading …it sure has been quiet around here
Tag: AI-assisted writing
“Quantum Worlds” cover reveal
Behold! This is the first story I wrote with ChatGPT, about… a struggling science fiction magazine editor who decides to embrace AI instead of fighting against it, and revolutionizes everything. So of course, it makes sense that the cover would be patterned after Clarkesworld’s iconic covers, since I basically wrote it in response to them… Continue reading “Quantum Worlds” cover reveal
Back from Coeur d’Alene
It occurs to me that most of my posts in the past month have either been extremely doom-and-gloom, or they’ve been excerpts from some of my most recent work. This probably gives the impression that I’m huddled in a corner somewhere, black-pilled and traumatized, and seeking some sort of an escape through my writing, when… Continue reading Back from Coeur d’Alene
Some major news about my first AI-assisted novel
The Riches of Xulthar is now complete! I’m sending it out to my editor this afternoon, and if all goes well, it will be available in all formats by the end of September. In the meantime, I have decided to post the entire thing chapter by chapter on my blog. I’ll be posting the final,… Continue reading Some major news about my first AI-assisted novel
The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!
It only took about a month, but it would have been much faster if I’d used Story Engine. Honestly, I probably could have generated the text in a week if I’d used that tool, or perhaps even an afternoon. Instead, I outlined the project myself, wrote the first couple of paragraphs for each individual scene,… Continue reading The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!
Would you read an AI-written novel?
That is the question, more or less, that I posed in subject header of my last email newsletter. The goal was to be a bit provocative, of course, but I did genuinely want to hear from my subscribers on this topic, and in the author’s note I shared a lot more of my thoughts on… Continue reading Would you read an AI-written novel?
Riches of Xulthar update
So it’s the 25th of the month, which is also the 25th day of the billing period for Sudowrite, and used up all of my AI words. The Riches of Xulthar, my first AI-assisted novel, is currently a little over 27k, which means I have 13k words to go (I’m shooting for the minimum novel… Continue reading Riches of Xulthar update
More early thoughts on AI-assisted writing
It’s become something of a cliche that true writers write because they can’t not write, but as with so many other stereotypes and cliches, there’s a kernel of truth in it. I’ve been writing on and off since the 8th grade, and even during periods of my life when I wasn’t able to focus on… Continue reading More early thoughts on AI-assisted writing
Some early thoughts on AI-assisted writing
I remember the early days of indie publishing. Back in 2011, when self-publishing was still a dirty word (and Kindle Unlimited wasn’t yet a thing), there were a LOT of opinions about “indie vs. tradpub,” most of them heated opinions, and some of the arguments I witnessed at conventions like 2011 Worldcon Reno very nearly… Continue reading Some early thoughts on AI-assisted writing
AI-assisted story practice recap
So it’s Saturday night, which means the end of the work week for me. How did I do with my goal to write 10 AI-assisted stories? Not terrible: I did manage to write 6 stories, at least through the AI part. I also burned through about 40k word on my Sudowrite plan—obviously, I didn’t include… Continue reading AI-assisted story practice recap