Our world makes a lot more sense…

…when you realize that the internet is a factory for creating cults, and that social media and smart devices are force multipliers for this effect. Before the internet, your “community” was a geographically bound group of people, who were diverse enough (that’s “diverse” with a lower-case d) to give you an interesting variety of perspectives… Continue reading Our world makes a lot more sense…

Define “woke.”

Woke (WOHK): Adjective Of or pertaining to the mass formation psychosis currently gripping the United States and most of the developed world. This mass formation psychosis is led by radical leftist ideologues and driven by social media addiction. Due to the collusion between major technology companies and the US government, there is also an element… Continue reading Define “woke.”

Good Morning Planets

I’ve been following Astronomy Picture of the Day longer than any other blog—since 2006, in fact. Usually, the pictures are okay but not all that memorable. This one, however, is amazing. Planets one through six of our solar system, all captured in one amazing shot. Very well done. By the way, if you’re looking for… Continue reading Good Morning Planets

Happiness is always a choice, take 2

CGP Grey made an awesome video last week, which should come as a surprise to nobody, but this one is exceptional even by CGP Grey’s standards. In it, he borrows some of Doctor Randy J. Paterson’s work in How to Be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use and gives us a seven step program on how… Continue reading Happiness is always a choice, take 2