Busy busy AWESOME day

I had an awesome day today.  Totally awesome.  If every day this semester is like this one, I’ll be dead tired before Thanksgiving but so happy it won’t even matter. It started at 7am.  Woke up, worked out, read a galley from Dragon Moon Press for Leading Edge while working out.  The book wasn’t that… Continue reading Busy busy AWESOME day

First week drama and other news

It’s been a while since I’ve written here, mostly because it’s been a crazy week so far.  Gosh, it feels like Saturday already.  School’s back in session, and while the homework hasn’t been bad so far (and probably won’t be), I’ve been jumping through hoops just to get this semester figured out. Long story short,… Continue reading First week drama and other news


I’ve got a bad case of writer’s avoidance.  It’s annoying. I wrote 1,500 words in Bringing Stella Home today, and about 800 words of outlining.  That might seem like a lot, but when you consider how much free time I had today, it’s really not that much.  Blarg. I’m all moved in to my new… Continue reading Blarg.

Oh crap

Dang.  I just looked at a calendar for the next two months, and it looks like I’m going to be busy. I want to get Genesis Earth and Bringing Stella Home polished and ready before World Fantasy 2009, but it’s going to take a lot of work.  Genesis Earth is almost there, but Bringing Stella… Continue reading Oh crap

Movin’ along

I submitted a story to the Writers of the Future contest today.  Basically, I took the scene from Genesis Earth that won the Mayhew Contest this year, slapped just enough of an ending on it to make it feel like a coherent story (inshallah), changed a couple of universe details, and sent it out.  Time… Continue reading Movin’ along

What did you do with your summer?

This is the question I’m kind of worried people will ask me (or I’ll ask myself) when fall rolls around.  It’s looking more and more like I won’t be going to New York for the internship, so that begs the question–what else are you going to do?  Are you going to be productive and do… Continue reading What did you do with your summer?

Living in a state of limbo

Graduation was today.  I’ve got another year left, but a lot of my friends are moving on.  I took my last exam of the semester on Monday, and my contract at the FLSR ends Saturday morning at 10 am. And I have no idea where I’ll be living for the summer. There’s a chance I… Continue reading Living in a state of limbo

Running the gauntlet

In the past five days, I have written somewhere on the order of 10,000 words. None of them has been fiction (at least, not explicitly–more BS, if anything). One monster history term paper, one middling poli sci essay, and two exams requiring 2,000 and 1,000 word essays. Blegh. Like pulling teeth. The upside is, it’s… Continue reading Running the gauntlet

The end of an era

Today was my last writing meeting as Quark writing vp. :'( It’s been a good run, two years as leader of the Quark Writing Group at BYU. I remember how it was when I started–I was still just a hobby writer, with a nebulous interest in getting published someday but without any real goals or… Continue reading The end of an era

Semester endgame

Seven days!  Seven days! And then the semester is over!  Hallelujah! Unfortunately, in the course of those seven days, I’ve got three major papers to write. It’s going to suck. But then it’s over! Thank goodness.  This semester has been pretty crazy–not in terms of work, but in terms of motivation.  A lot of the… Continue reading Semester endgame