Battle scenes are HARD

I’m in the middle of revising a major battle scene right now.  This is supposed to be one of the more important climaxes of the book, adding a lot more tension and emotion as the novel approaches the main climax. Let me just say, writing a good battle scene is tough.  The first version of… Continue reading Battle scenes are HARD

Outlining for a discovery writer

I’m almost finished with the rough draft of Bringing Stella Home, but I can’t shake the feeling that this draft really sucks and is full of holes.   Part of that is probably that I wrote the whole thing  out of the top of my head.  The only part that I really took the time to… Continue reading Outlining for a discovery writer

Revision, revision, revision

I finished revising chapter 6 of Genesis Earth today. It took a lot more time and effort than I’d expected. Even though I’d revised half the chapter yesterday, I started from the beginning and changed a lot of the other revisions I’d made. I think this version is stronger, but I’m not sure how it’ll… Continue reading Revision, revision, revision