I’m finishing up right now with the third and final book in the Gunslingers Trilogy, Gunslinger to Earth. Just one more chapter to wrap everything up, then all the final revisions for the last few chapters. So far, so good. At 40k words, this is turning out to be one of my shorter novels. I’m… Continue reading Finishing up Gunslinger to Earth
Tag: cover art
The Sword Keeper cover reveal!
Behold! Shout out to Ina Wong for the awesome artwork. Go check out her other stuff! Novel coming out for preorder by the end of the week!
Gunslinger to the Galaxy cover—how do you like it?
Just playing around. What do you guys think? I’m going to try to put out my book covers and descriptions before the books are actually written. That way, I have an image I can use whenever I’m blogging about it. Also should help with promotions. Gunslinger to the Galaxy is coming along well. Should finish… Continue reading Gunslinger to the Galaxy cover—how do you like it?
What do you guys think?
Looking for some feedback here. I was hoping to do something big and awesome for the cover, but the artist I wanted to do it was too booked, and I’ve been having a hard time finding anyone else who quite fits the bill. And then I realized that since this is the first book in… Continue reading What do you guys think?
Cover reveal: “Utahraptors at Dawn”
Behold! “Utahraptors at Dawn” will be available over the weekend. Take care!
Playing with cover art
So last week, I was dinking around with some images, making a cover mock-up for a Star Wanderers short story that’s currently on submission to Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show. This is what I came up with: The model is Devon Jade, photographed by Aaron Tyree on Deviantart (CC BY 2.5). The background image… Continue reading Playing with cover art
Things I learned in 2014 (Part 1)
Last week, Kris Rusch wrote an interesting blog post reflecting on 2014 and things she observed that indie writers learned, so I thought I’d do something similar and reflect on some of the things that I learned last year about the business and the craft. Here goes! Readers of SF&F want longer books. I did… Continue reading Things I learned in 2014 (Part 1)
Two new cover reveals!
In between writing and revising, I’ve managed to redo the covers for Desert Stars and Stars of Blood and Glory. Check them out! I’m really excited to get the new editions out, especially the print editions! Expect to see those soon, like maybe in a week or two. If you’ve already bought the books, don’t… Continue reading Two new cover reveals!
Cover reveal for BROTHERS IN EXILE!
I just got the cover art for Brothers in Exile (Sons of the Starfarers, Book 1) and it looks pretty sweet–check it out! The cover designer is Kalen O’Donnell–he’s going to be doing the covers for the rest of the series. The scene here is from the first chapter, where Isaac and Aaron arrive at… Continue reading Cover reveal for BROTHERS IN EXILE!
Let’s take a quick break from the Brothers in Exile excerpts to show you the awesome new cover art for the Star Wanderers books! These ones are for Dreamweaver, Benefactor, Reproach, and Deliverance, and I think they turned out quite well. The cover designer here is Libbie Hawker, who also did the other covers (except… Continue reading New STAR WANDERERS covers!