Cover reveal: Welcome to Condescension

Worldcon 2016 is this week, and in honor of that, I’m releasing a new short story: “Welcome to Condescension!” Here is the cover: If you’ve been following the inanities of the Hugo Awards controversies for the past couple of years (and I can’t blame you if you hadn’t, since most SF&F readers don’t follow the Hugo Awards), then… Continue reading Cover reveal: Welcome to Condescension

Cover reveal for my next big novel!

Wow, it’s been forever since I posted anything on this blog. I’ve definitely been busy, but haven’t been as good at keeping up with it here. That’s definitely going to change. For those of you reading the Sons of the Starfarers series, I’m only about a chapter away from finishing the first draft of Captives in Obscurity. If… Continue reading Cover reveal for my next big novel!

Cover reveal for new fantasy release!

A while back, I wrote a short fantasy novelette about a group of orcs setting out to found a new clan. Well, I’ve decided to self-publish it! If all goes well, it should be up on Amazon by this weekend. Here’s the blurb: IS THIS THE HILL ON WHICH YOU WANT TO DIE? That is… Continue reading Cover reveal for new fantasy release!

Two new cover reveals!

In between writing and revising, I’ve managed to redo the covers for Desert Stars and Stars of Blood and Glory. Check them out! I’m really excited to get the new editions out, especially the print editions! Expect to see those soon, like maybe in a week or two. If you’ve already bought the books, don’t… Continue reading Two new cover reveals!

How going indie is like driving a manual (plus a cover reveal)

A couple of weeks ago, I got a new (to me) car. It’s a 2005 Ford Focus / Saleen: a two-door hatchback that drives like a racing car and gets about thirty miles per gallon (WA-A-AY better than the gas guzzler I was driving before). It’s also a manual transmission, which is perhaps the biggest… Continue reading How going indie is like driving a manual (plus a cover reveal)

Cover reveal for first SONS OF THE STARFARERS omnibus!

Great news! The cover for the first Sons of the Starfarers omnibus is here–check it out! Since the omnibus is just the first three books in one collection, I should have it up for pre-order in the next few days. The release date will be November 1st, and I plan to set the ebook price… Continue reading Cover reveal for first SONS OF THE STARFARERS omnibus!

Almost back from vacation

So I’m in Massachusetts now, getting ready to head back to Utah by way of my sister’s in Iowa. I spent the last week on Cape Cod for family vacation, which was a lot of fun! Cape Cod is one of my favorite places, and it was good to sit back and take a break… Continue reading Almost back from vacation