Is this how Ezra’s Eagle ultimately goes down?

Today, Biden announced that he will not seek re-election, and that he endorses Kamala Harris for the Democrat nomination. At least, that’s the story we’re supposed to believe. The announcement came via an image of a letter, posted to X… which was the first time several of his aides found out that he was stepping… Continue reading Is this how Ezra’s Eagle ultimately goes down?

My thoughts on the Trump assassination attempt

There was a second shooter, probably on the water tower. The first shooter, who was identified and killed by the counter-snipers, was obviously a fall-guy, with the second shooter on scene as insurance in case the first guy failed. I don’t think the Secret Service agents on the scene were in on the plot. They… Continue reading My thoughts on the Trump assassination attempt

I really hope I’m wrong about this

Two days ago, our country was subjected to an ugly spectacle that forced us all, regardless of political persuasion, to confront the truth: that the alleged leader of the free world—the man in control of our nation’s nuclear codes, at a time when we are closer to nuclear war than any other time since the… Continue reading I really hope I’m wrong about this

The argument that converted me from pro-choice to pro-life

On the issue of abortion, I would consider myself to be very pro-life. I have written several explicitly pro-life stories, including “The Paradox of Choice,” “The Body Tax,” and “The Freedom of Second Chances.” My wife and I also donate monthly to Preborn, a charity / Christian ministry that provides free ultrasounds and support to… Continue reading The argument that converted me from pro-choice to pro-life

Why there will be no second American civil war

I just finished reading The Last Election by Andrew Yang and Stephen Marche. It’s a fascinating book, but not in the way that the authors probably intended. The book basically presents a detailed account of the 2024 election, starting in November 2023 and ending with the results of a contingent election, after the (fictional) third… Continue reading Why there will be no second American civil war

Our world makes a lot more sense…

…when you realize that the internet is a factory for creating cults, and that social media and smart devices are force multipliers for this effect. Before the internet, your “community” was a geographically bound group of people, who were diverse enough (that’s “diverse” with a lower-case d) to give you an interesting variety of perspectives… Continue reading Our world makes a lot more sense…

The best take on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that I’ve heard

This is, by far, the best take on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that I’ve heard. It’s between a Jew and a Palestinian, but both of them are converts to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which means that they’re less interested in winning a debate and more interested in coming to a common understanding,… Continue reading The best take on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that I’ve heard