Remember when the wrongfun brigade screamed and shouted and gnashed their teeth that the Sad Puppies were cheating the Hugo Awards through “slate voting,” or whatever the hell they called it? That we were somehow gaming the system to put our racist, sexist, misogynistic, fascist authors (many of whom were non-white, female, and/or flaming libertarians)… Continue reading Steelmanning the pro-aborts
Tag: current events
Trump season 6 has officially jumped the shark.
I’m calling it now: Trump season 6 has officially jumped the shark. The show has been nothing if not a little over the top, but it’s been building steadily enough that even when it strains credulity, there ends up being a good reason for it. Until now, that is. I’ll admit, when the global pandemic… Continue reading Trump season 6 has officially jumped the shark.
Fisking Hysteria
So a couple of days ago, I finished revising “The Freedom of Second Chances” and started looking for places to submit it. That was how I found this anthology call, for a pro-abortion anthology titled Aseptic and Faintly Sadistic: An Anthology of Hysteria Fiction. The guidelines were so unbelievable that I just have to fisk… Continue reading Fisking Hysteria
Short Story: The Body Tax
This was a fun one to write, even if it did go a little dark at first. The idea for it came from this article about a couple in San Francisco who received an outrageously huge warning fine ($1,500) for parking their car in their own driveway. In the comments to the article, I wrote:… Continue reading Short Story: The Body Tax
The Generational Cycles of Grimdark vs. Noblebright
A couple of months ago, I was discussing genre trends with my indie publishing mastermind group where we drew some fascinating connections between grimdark fantasy, noblebright fantasy, and Strauss-Howe generational theory. In that discussion, we came up with a theory that predicts when each type of fantasy (grimdark, nobledark, noblebright, and grimbright) will be ascendant,… Continue reading The Generational Cycles of Grimdark vs. Noblebright
Unpublishing “Payday”
In the next few days, I’m going to unpublish my short story “Payday.” It will still be available in the collection In Times Such As These, but I think it’s about time that its run as a free short story single should come to a close. (For those of you who may not be familiar… Continue reading Unpublishing “Payday”
So… what now? Where do we go from here?
For the last several months, I’ve struggled to put my thoughts together into something that I felt was appropriate for this blog. Even though I allow myself to be political here, I’m also keenly aware that I have many readers who might enjoy my books and yet disagree with my politics. I don’t want my… Continue reading So… what now? Where do we go from here?
Any predictions for Trump: Season 5?
First off, how are you enjoying Trump: Season 4 so far? I have to admit, I was pretty skeptical at first. Seasons 1-3 were all building up to the impeachment, and when the writers threw in the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, I worried that the show was about to jump the shark. I mean come on—a global… Continue reading Any predictions for Trump: Season 5?
Blade Runner 2020
Saw this, couldn’t resist. We’ve got smoke here in Utah, too, but nowhere near as bad as California (for the moment). A couple of new fires started here in Utah Valley over the past week, and it looks like they may have been human caused, but the firefighters put them out very quickly. But whenever… Continue reading Blade Runner 2020
White Science Fiction and Fantasy Doesn’t Matter
If you are white, and you write science fiction or fantasy, it is only a matter of time before you are cancelled. This is the logical end of intersectional identity politics, which is really just the resurrected, zombified corpse of Marxism. White people are the oppressors. People of color are the oppressed. All white people… Continue reading White Science Fiction and Fantasy Doesn’t Matter