The 21st century disciples of Karl Marx have a problem: all of Marx’s theories have been debunked, and all of his predictions have failed. The workers of the world never rose up. Capitalism never gave way to communism. The class wars ended because extreme poverty ceased to be a global issue. The labor theory of… Continue reading Marxism is the new Black
Tag: current events
What have we learned from the BLM riots?
The driving forces of Antifa, the BLM movement itself, and most of the violence on the ground are far-left Marxists who seek to bring a Bolshevik-style revolution to the United States. Having failed to start a class war in the most prosperous country in the world, they are now substituting race for class in their… Continue reading What have we learned from the BLM riots?
Do Black Lives Actually Matter?
Ever since the brutal death of George Floyd at the hands of the police, the Black Lives Matter movement has seen a dramatic resurgence, both on social media and on the American street. The movement’s titular message declares that America needs to place more value on the lives of its black citizens and no longer… Continue reading Do Black Lives Actually Matter?
Speaking Out Again
Hello there. It’s been a very long time since I posted on this blog. I wonder if anyone is still following it. About a year ago, I pivoted from the blog to my newsletter, and while that’s going well, this blog has been mostly neglected. And it would have continued that way, if not for… Continue reading Speaking Out Again
2020-02-06 Newsletter Author’s Note
This author’s note originally appeared in the February 6th edition of my email newsletter. To sign up for my newsletter, click here. It has been an eventful week in American politics. Impeachment, State of the Union, Iowa Caucuses… don’t worry, I’m not going to go off on a rant about politics (much as I’m tempted… Continue reading 2020-02-06 Newsletter Author’s Note
2019-08-08 Newsletter Author’s Note
This author’s note originally appeared in the August 8th edition of my email newsletter. To subscribe to my newsletter, click here. A couple of days ago, Mrs. Vasicek and I had an old friend of hers over for dinner. This friend was visiting from out of state, and Mrs. Vasicek made it clear that politics… Continue reading 2019-08-08 Newsletter Author’s Note
Algorithms, social media addictions, and the endless churn of content
In the last 5-6 years, I’ve noticed a shift in most of the media content that I consume. Content has proliferated at an unprecedented rate, and the churn—or the rate at which new content pushes out old content—has become one of the driving factors for those of us trying to make our careers in this… Continue reading Algorithms, social media addictions, and the endless churn of content
Defying Hitler by Sebastian Haffner
I picked this one up from Glenn Beck’s recommended reading list, and found it to be pretty good. The most disappointing part is that it was never finished, so what starts as a history of the Third Reich up to 1939 actually ends in 1933. It would be really fascinating to get Haffner’s account of… Continue reading Defying Hitler by Sebastian Haffner
Addicted to Outrage by Glenn Beck
I wasn’t always a fan of Glenn Beck. When I was in college back in the 00s, I thought he was a pompous blowhard—and I was probably right. We’ve both changed a lot since then. I started listening to his radio show podcast in 2017 at the urging of a friend, and to my utter… Continue reading Addicted to Outrage by Glenn Beck
Will A Song of Ice and Fire stand the test of time?
A while ago, I wrote a blog post titled Why I don’t like George R.R. Martin, in which I laid out some of the issues I had with the Song of Ice and Fire series, and why I decided not to read past the first book. That post has been getting a lot of traffic… Continue reading Will A Song of Ice and Fire stand the test of time?