Trope Tuesday: Pet the Dog

The basic principle behind this trope is that when you want your readers to feel some kind of sympathy toward a character, have them pet a puppy / puppy equivalent.  Often used to show who the good guy is, but can also be used to add depth to a villain. I first learned about this… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Pet the Dog

“Who would have thought…”

I would like to address this post to my fellow Mormon readers. A couple of days ago, I got a discouraging message from some old mission friends of mine.  It said, more or less: “who would have thought that the missionary that taught us the gospel would write such a lurid book?” They were referring… Continue reading “Who would have thought…”

T minus 24 hours and counting…

That’s right!  After much wrangling, I formatted it this morning and published it to Amazon this afternoon.  In less than 24h hours, it should be up for sale! In many ways, Bringing Stella Home is a lot different from Genesis Earth.  For one, the scope is much larger, with the rise and fall of galactic… Continue reading T minus 24 hours and counting…

Passage at Arms by Glen Cook

Humanity is losing a long, bloody war of attrition against an alien race.  Our only military advantage lies in the climbers–small, guerrilla style gunboats that can cross into a higher dimensional plane.  Under the right conditions, this technology enables the ships to pass through space undetected. As the war reaches a critical juncture, one former… Continue reading Passage at Arms by Glen Cook