An interesting concept

Last night, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and a couple of girls in the apartment complex where I currently live.  We got to talking about books, and one of the girls said something really interesting: Every book needs to have one thing that the main character knows that the reader doesn’t… Continue reading An interesting concept

Quark has a new writing VP

That’s right; her board name is Jimmy and she’s basically doing it the same way I did it–by jumping in the deep end first.  Joined quark last semester, went to a few writing meetings, and pow!  Writing VP. Anyways, we had some interesting conversations after the last writing group meeting of the semester.  Basically, I… Continue reading Quark has a new writing VP

Quick post from Provo

This is going to be quick, because it’s late at night and I want to get some sleep. I made it to Provo.  I’m currently staying with an old roommate, sleeping on his couch.  To do: find a job and a place to live.  Fortunately, I’ve just about got the second one secured. I talked… Continue reading Quick post from Provo

Goodbye DC

So I have some crazy, unbelievable news to share: I got fired from my internship, under disputed circumstances.  That’s right: fired from my unpaid internship four weeks before it was scheduled to end. The exact reasons for the termination were never made completely clear to me, but I suspect politics played a significant role and… Continue reading Goodbye DC

Thoughts on writing characters

A couple months ago, I was listening to one of my personal recordings of Brandon Sanderson’s English 318 lectures from last  year’s class.  The topic was writing characters. Brandon outlined several techniques for making characters sympathetic.  He also outlined how to round them out: give them flaws and handicaps, as well as little quirks to… Continue reading Thoughts on writing characters

Genesis Earth pitch and other assorted thoughts on writing

Today I got together with Charlie after her work and discussed how to pitch my novel Genesis Earth.  We did it in the following way: I took a few minutes to explain what the book was about, while she wrote down the words that stood out and excited her.  Later, I took the words and… Continue reading Genesis Earth pitch and other assorted thoughts on writing

Miscellaneous news updates

I’m so bad at writing catchy titles for my blog posts.  CORRECTION: I can come up with catchy, sexy, exciting titles for my blog posts, it’s just that the first one that comes to mind is always dull and uninteresting.  Well, too bad.  To quote my mother: “suffer!” Item One: State of the summer plans Real… Continue reading Miscellaneous news updates

This sucks and I’m a horrible writer

It’s getting really, really hard for me not to believe that statement, especially as I finish up with the middle part of this novel.  I’m starting to realize that I made a whole bunch of mistakes pages and pages ago, and that the climaxes just aren’t working without everything set up right. I know, cognitively,… Continue reading This sucks and I’m a horrible writer

update on the novel

Ughh……. Alright, in the tradition of last year when I would write until 2am every night and then blog on it before going to bed, here is another update on how Bringing Estella Home is going right now. It’s getting tougher.  I’m right in the middle of it right now, in chapter 7, and I’m… Continue reading update on the novel

Breaking 40k

Broke 40k words today…again.  I looked back while compiling my submission for English 318 and realized that I could cut 1,000 words from the middle of one chapter without losing anything.  So I did it.  And now I’m back to about 40,500 words. And…I’m delirious.  Stayed up late hanging up with Steve last night.  Combine… Continue reading Breaking 40k