Blog buttons!

So I was reading my friend Gamila’s blog, and she mentioned that she made some blog buttons.  Immediately, I thought: “Cool!  I should do something like that.” So, without further ado, I give you…blog buttons! Post them to your blog!  Put them on your sidebar!  Attach them to your message board forum signature!  Use them… Continue reading Blog buttons!


So…I figure it’s been a week and I should probably post something on this blog. Wow. Well, work is underway on Ashes of the Starry Sea, and I’m starting to have a love-hate relationship with it.  Most writers say you first novel isn’t that good, and you just need to get it out of your… Continue reading something

Bringing Stella Home 1.1 is finished

A few minutes ago, I finished the rough draft of Bringing Stella Home. This is my third completed novel. Huzzah! It needs a ton of work, too…there’s no way I’m going to let this thing see the light of day, not until I finish the second draft. In fact, I should probably set down tomorrow… Continue reading Bringing Stella Home 1.1 is finished

Genesis Earth pitch and other assorted thoughts on writing

Today I got together with Charlie after her work and discussed how to pitch my novel Genesis Earth.  We did it in the following way: I took a few minutes to explain what the book was about, while she wrote down the words that stood out and excited her.  Later, I took the words and… Continue reading Genesis Earth pitch and other assorted thoughts on writing

Fine tuning and David Gemmell ROCKS!!!

With Danke’s help, I’ve tweaked the site yet some more: updated the header image, put in the site description under the title, moved the comments link at the bottom of each post (where it really belongs–having it at the top is confusing), etc.  Now, the site is even better than ever! All this playing around… Continue reading Fine tuning and David Gemmell ROCKS!!!

Breaking 90k and other mundane excitements

(I almost always have trouble figuring out titles for these blogs posts.  I mean, my writing life isn’t all that exciting–I just write.  Check out my study abroad blog from last year for true (if old) excitement). I broke 90k words in Bringing Stella Home today.  According to my goal of 120k, that’s the 3/4 mark.… Continue reading Breaking 90k and other mundane excitements

Miscellaneous news updates

I’m so bad at writing catchy titles for my blog posts.  CORRECTION: I can come up with catchy, sexy, exciting titles for my blog posts, it’s just that the first one that comes to mind is always dull and uninteresting.  Well, too bad.  To quote my mother: “suffer!” Item One: State of the summer plans Real… Continue reading Miscellaneous news updates