Battle scenes are HARD

I’m in the middle of revising a major battle scene right now.  This is supposed to be one of the more important climaxes of the book, adding a lot more tension and emotion as the novel approaches the main climax. Let me just say, writing a good battle scene is tough.  The first version of… Continue reading Battle scenes are HARD

Conversations with a pedestrian

People in Utah are generally nice and easy to get along with…until it comes to traffic.  That’s when all the jerks come out.  I’ve seen the finger more times here in Utah than anywhere else in my life–even as a missionary in California.  After living here for a while, it starts to irk you. So… Continue reading Conversations with a pedestrian

First week drama and other news

It’s been a while since I’ve written here, mostly because it’s been a crazy week so far.  Gosh, it feels like Saturday already.  School’s back in session, and while the homework hasn’t been bad so far (and probably won’t be), I’ve been jumping through hoops just to get this semester figured out. Long story short,… Continue reading First week drama and other news


I’ve got a bad case of writer’s avoidance.  It’s annoying. I wrote 1,500 words in Bringing Stella Home today, and about 800 words of outlining.  That might seem like a lot, but when you consider how much free time I had today, it’s really not that much.  Blarg. I’m all moved in to my new… Continue reading Blarg.

I’m back!

Wow, I’m back from vacation.  Not “back” as in back in Utah, but “back” as in no longer at the cape.  We drove home to Western Massachusetts this evening and arrived just a couple hours ago. Family vacation this year was lots of fun!  It was me, mom and pop, and Sarah and Mykle at… Continue reading I’m back!

To write on vacation or not to write?

That is the question. These last couple of weeks have been very unproductive.  I hate it.  Yeah, there have been reasons–moving apartments, sister’s graduation, coming home, etc.  Worthless excuses–I should have been writing more, and I didn’t. At the same time, taking a break every now and again is very important.  Sometimes you just have… Continue reading To write on vacation or not to write?

Uh oh…more projects?

That’s right.  I recently formed a writing group with some friends, and decided to workshop Bringing Stella Home through it.  They went through the first chapter yesterday and tore it apart.  I appreciate the help a TON, but I’m going to have to start making revision to it now, so that subsequent submissions to the… Continue reading Uh oh…more projects?

Quick update

Haven’t been writing as much in Ashes these past few days. With my new goal, I need to be doing about 2.5k per day in that work, but things have slowed down considerably. I need to rekindle some excitement for this project. I will finish it–I’ve made the goal, set the deadline, and determined that… Continue reading Quick update

Goal shift for Ashes

These past few weeks, I’ve been killing myself trying to write Ashes of the Starry Sea. I’ve made some good progress, as you can see on the sidebar.  Today I broke 200 pages.  Not too bad. However, the pace has just been killing me.  4k words per day is something I can do…but 4k words… Continue reading Goal shift for Ashes

Movin’ along

I submitted a story to the Writers of the Future contest today.  Basically, I took the scene from Genesis Earth that won the Mayhew Contest this year, slapped just enough of an ending on it to make it feel like a coherent story (inshallah), changed a couple of universe details, and sent it out.  Time… Continue reading Movin’ along