If life had a crazy-meter, the needle on mine would be somewhere in the yellow green right now and trending toward the red. Next week, Future Mrs. Vasicek and I will be traveling to Iowa for my nephew’s baptism. It’s going to be a big family affair. Future Mrs. Vasicek has met everyone already, minus… Continue reading A quick update
Tag: Frustrations
Quick update
So I missed a couple of blog posts last week, and I don’t currently have any more lined up in the queue. I know I said I’d try to blog daily from now on, and I intend to work up to that, but I’ve got to get other things in order first. Here’s what I’ve… Continue reading Quick update
Dear Ms. Reader (Blast from the Past: June 2016)
So 2016 isn’t that long in the past, but while reviewing my blog archive, I came across this gem and knew I just had to share it this week, especially with all the flak that capitalism has been getting from a certain former bartender recently. Enjoy! Dear Ms. Author. I really like your books. I… Continue reading Dear Ms. Reader (Blast from the Past: June 2016)
Why my books are no longer available in paperback
All of my books are available as ebooks, but only a few of them were available in print. Until now. If you’ve looked to buy one of my paperbacks, you may have noticed that none my books are available in print. Why? TL;DR: KDP Paperback sucks monkey balls, and I’m not going to sell a… Continue reading Why my books are no longer available in paperback
Thoughts on Star Wars: The Last Jedi
What a disappointment. I was going to avoid spoilers, but now that I’ve had some time to reflect, man oh man I’m just gonna vent about everything. Because there is so much wrong with this movie, and so many things that could have been awesome but instead turned into missed opportunities. So this post is… Continue reading Thoughts on Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Late September update
I am not a pleasant person to be around when I’m struggling to finish a difficult book. Me: There’s just not enough time in the day. Dad: I know how you feel, son. Me: I don’t think that you do. You’ve never been self-employed. Later… Me: I need to quit my job. Dad: But Joe,… Continue reading Late September update
Beginning of September Update
It’s September, my favorite month of the year! Maybe I’ll revisit that post in a blast from the past or something. So many reasons why September is awesome. Things are going well on the writing front. I’ve switched up my daily routine to make more writing time, and it’s working well so far. My alarm… Continue reading Beginning of September Update
Mid-August update
It’s already mid-August? Where in the heck did the last eight months go? Feels like the election drama from last year never really died down. Don’t worry, this post isn’t about politics. Not enough time in the day to follow the latest circus sideshow in the Emerald City of Oz. Time has been on my… Continue reading Mid-August update
Sick, sick, sick
So Thursday morning, I came back from the gym after running 2.5 miles on the treadmill and promptly fell asleep for half an hour. Later that evening, I went for a walk and found myself out of breath after climbing a flight of stairs. For some reason, I was having difficulty getting air into my lungs. No… Continue reading Sick, sick, sick
Only two more chapters!
I’m only two chapters away from finishing the first draft of Gunslinger to the Stars! This book was supposed to be finished a month ago, but life got busy and my chronic disorganization got in the way. Of course, these last few chapters are taking WAY longer to write than I thought they would, just like all… Continue reading Only two more chapters!