The unthinkable has happened. My trusted, beloved laptop, which has served me faithfully for almost three years, has died. I suspect it’s a problem with the motherboard. While I was in Jordan, the power cord sometimes had trouble making contact with the contacts in the power socket on the back. Now, it’s almost impossible to… Continue reading Why PCs are better than Macs
Tag: Frustrations
A million different things to say
Wow. I feel like I have a million different things to say, and I’m not sure which one to start with. I just got back a couple of days ago from the Jordan study abroad, and I’m currently at “home” (or something similar but not quite it), here in Massachusetts. In a couple of days,… Continue reading A million different things to say
Some thoughts on writing
I noticed something the other day when I went to write in Genesis Earth after a long hiatus. I reread the last few pages I’d written…and reading the story, it seemed a lot different to me than when I was writing it. The same thing happened to me when I started rereading The Lost Colony. … Continue reading Some thoughts on writing
Genesis Earth
So last week I was in Israel/Palestine, traveling with the BYU study abroad group, seeing all the sites and everything, when my flash drive crashed. Real bad. This friend of mine on the trip who’s a data recovery expert downloaded all this software and tried to help, but the drive was not only completely wiped… Continue reading Genesis Earth
Spin has spun me
Just last week, I finished one of the best science fiction books I’ve read all year! It’s called Spin, by Robert Charles Wilson, and I think it won a Hugo award. My first reaction, after reading the VERY satisfying ending, was “Wow! This book is everything that good science fiction should be!” My second reaction,… Continue reading Spin has spun me
Some things to work on
I just recently moved in to a homestay, where I’ll be living with an Arab family until the end of the summer. You can read about it on my other blog. It’s nice to have a routine now, because I have time in the evenings to go on my computer and write. The Wormhole Paradigm… Continue reading Some things to work on
In two weeks…
Two weeks from this moment I’m going to be in a plane over the Atlantic ocean heading to Cairo. How cool is that?! Definitely an order of magnitude cooler than writing this paper.
I really don’t want to write this paper
As in I really, really, REALLY don’t want to write it. The class was good, and the stuff we learned was interesting (and even profoundly compelling at times), but the grading is arbitrary, the class didn’t present itself as a challenge, and I’ve already written one final paper this week. One freaking fantastic final paper… Continue reading I really don’t want to write this paper
Wow…2,500 words
Yeah, that’s quite a bit more than I thought. I started late in the day, in between sessions of conference, and basically just wrote a little bit here and there. Just now, I opened it up to finish up the current chapter, but decided against it since I’m really tired. Then I did the wordcount,… Continue reading Wow…2,500 words
One down, two to go
It’s done. Khullas. Blegh. Now I’ve just got to get it peer reviewed, edit the crap out of it, write a whole ‘nother paper for a whole ‘nother class, and I’m FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!! This is totally me.