Wow, it’s been a while since I gave an update on what I’ve been up to. Life has been crazy, but not too crazy. I really ought to get back into the habit of blogging more regularly. Last week was LTUE here in Utah Valley, and while I didn’t attend the convention, I did stop… Continue reading Late February Update
Tag: Goals and Plans
Edmund Slate Critiques
One of the big things I want to do this year is update all of my book descriptions. A lot of them are old, and written back when I wasn’t very good at writing marketing copy (an area where I still have much to learn). So I thought it would be good to go through… Continue reading Edmund Slate Critiques
Farewell to 2024!
It’s new year’s eve, finally! Another year, another voyage around the M-class dwarf star we call Sol! A lot of other writers and podcasters are doing recaps of their year, highlighting some of their best moments as well as analyzing what they learned and what changed. Generally, though, these people are either single or have… Continue reading Farewell to 2024!
New direction for the blog
I’ve kept this blog for almost twenty years. During that time, there have been busy seasons and there have been slow seasons, but it’s never really gone away, and I don’t think it ever will. That’s good, because since I don’t do social media anymore, this is my only online public-facing platform. With that in… Continue reading New direction for the blog
Writing and Publishing Plans moving forward
Over the past few months, I’ve been spending a lot of time experimenting with AI writing and finding ways to incorporate it into my writing process. The goal so far has been twofold: I’ve accomplished both of those things, but I can’t hit them consistently without burning out. Writing with AI has proven key to… Continue reading Writing and Publishing Plans moving forward
…it sure has been quiet around here
So I was looking back at my stats, and I couldn’t help but notice that (not counting yesterday’s post) it’s been almost two months since I posted anything on this blog. What happened? I could give all the normal excuses: time flying by, kids taking up the time, etc etc… but that would all be… Continue reading …it sure has been quiet around here
Some major news about my first AI-assisted novel
The Riches of Xulthar is now complete! I’m sending it out to my editor this afternoon, and if all goes well, it will be available in all formats by the end of September. In the meantime, I have decided to post the entire thing chapter by chapter on my blog. I’ll be posting the final,… Continue reading Some major news about my first AI-assisted novel
AI-assisted story practice recap
So it’s Saturday night, which means the end of the work week for me. How did I do with my goal to write 10 AI-assisted stories? Not terrible: I did manage to write 6 stories, at least through the AI part. I also burned through about 40k word on my Sudowrite plan—obviously, I didn’t include… Continue reading AI-assisted story practice recap
Practice Writing AI-Assisted Stories
For an elective pottery class at a large university, the instructor told his students at the beginning of the semester that they could choose to be graded on the quality of their final piece, or the quantity of pieces they produced. But they had to decide right then, in the first week of the class,… Continue reading Practice Writing AI-Assisted Stories
Prepping for a new novel project
I am so far behind on so many things right now. My in-laws went to Idaho for the week, so all of the childcare has fallen on us while they’re gone, and we’ve just been swamped. I know that there are amazing parents out there who can watch five kids at a time, by themselves,… Continue reading Prepping for a new novel project