The second to last post of the year

I’ve been figuring out what to say in my Obligatory New Year’s post–resolutions and all that.  Before I do that, though, I wanted to give an update on recent goings-on. First, the writing: I’m making excellent headway in the latest draft of Mercenary Savior, and should be finished by the end of next week.  WAFH… Continue reading The second to last post of the year

Out of it

Man, I feel like I’ve been so out of it recently.  I’ve been getting up around 9 am or 10 am every day, going to bed every night around 2 am or 3 am, and running around so much that I hardly seem to have time to write.  Life is good, and between plasma and… Continue reading Out of it

Thanksgiving report from Texas

So for Thanksgiving this year, I drove down with my sister and brother in law to have Thanksgiving in Houston with my other sister’s family.  It’s Friday night, and I’m about to hit the sack to get prepped for the long 24+ hour drive back to Utah, but let me say, this vacation has been… Continue reading Thanksgiving report from Texas

Almost at four

I’ve got half a dozen things I could blog about, but it’s 2 am and cleaning checks are tomorrow, so I think I’m going to give a quick update and go to bed. Worlds Away from Home is doing quite well–I’m only two chapters and five scenes from the end.  I’d push really hard to… Continue reading Almost at four

End in sight

Things are winding down for my current work in progress, Worlds Away from Home–or should I say winding up, since I’m just a chapter or two from the major climax?  In any case, by the end of the week, inshallah, the rough draft will be finished. <crosses fingers> It’s been tough, but I’m cautiously optimistic… Continue reading End in sight

If it kills me

I will finish this novel if it kills me. At the rate things are going, it just might. Things are kind of tough for me right now.  I desperately need a new job–the one I’ve got is slowly sucking away my soul without even paying enough to get by–and job rejections are way worse than… Continue reading If it kills me

Second Quarter 2010 report

As you may or may not know, I keep a spreadsheet of my daily word counts.  Nerdy, I know, but you’d be surprised how helpful it can be with keeping goals and staying motivated.  As part of that, I’ve decided to do a quarterly report here on my blog.  Here’s my report for April 2010… Continue reading Second Quarter 2010 report

Writer’s block? Tallyho!

Just a quick post before I go to bed. Health problems suck when all you’ve got is catastrophic insurance.  I started breaking out in this weird rash last week, and I went into the clinic today.  It was seventy five dollars well spent, but…man, seventy five dollars? So between taking the bus all over the… Continue reading Writer’s block? Tallyho!

Falling behind

Man, CONduit is at the end of this week, and I’ve still got a good 14k words to go in Mercenary Savior. Today, I only wrote 1,300 words.  I have no idea why my productivity has fallen so much, but it’s not good. It might not be a totally bad thing, though.  I’m having trouble… Continue reading Falling behind

When life gets in the way

Just a quick post before I go to bed.  Things are coming along well with the revision of Mercenary Savior–I fully expect to be finished by next week (hopefully by Tuesday). That said, these past couple of days have been very unproductive, and it’s been very frustrating.  I feel as if tons of little things… Continue reading When life gets in the way