Trading old hangups for new ones

So I started my internship with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy last week, and it’s been quite interesting.  Trying to figure out the new routine while starting a new novel has been quite challenging, but somehow, I’ve written at least something every day (except Sunday–I try not to write Sundays now). I can… Continue reading Trading old hangups for new ones

Never a good time to write

I’m on vacation now, staying with my uncle in Midland.  The rest of the family will be out here in a couple of days.  In the meantime, I’m visiting with relatives, going Christmas shopping, and trying to finally finish Bringing Stella Home 2.0. It’s not going to be easy, though, with all the family stuff… Continue reading Never a good time to write

Finishing and beginning

Classes for this semester are over, I’ve turned in all my papers, taken all my exams but one, and now I feel like I have this giant void in my life.  I was walking around on campus today with literally no idea where I was going or what I should do. It was…strange. With school… Continue reading Finishing and beginning

An existential time of year

School has been kicking my trash this semester. Maybe it’s senioritis or something, but I feel like I’m doing half the work I did as a junior and still, all I can do is put out fires. I was hoping to be finished with Genesis Earth 4.0 by now, but it’s looking like that won’t… Continue reading An existential time of year

First personalized rejection!

Okay, I’m taking a quick break from the Final Fantasy 6 Werewolf tribute posts to mention some exciting news. This might sound counterintuitive, but I got an encouraging rejection letter a couple of days ago from Krista Marino, one of the editors at the BYU Writers and Illustrators for Young Readers conference!  This is what… Continue reading First personalized rejection!


Man, nothing throws a kink in your writing life like a major paper.  This semester, I’ve got the mother of all undergraduate papers to write–the CAPSTONE. Interestingly enough, I’ve been having a lot of fun with mine.  A lot. I’ll spare you the gory details, but basically my capstone is a statistical study of the… Continue reading Must…build…momentum

I need a new deadline

Two, actually.  I’ve got two unfinished projects, both of them on the sidebar: Genesis Earth 4.0 and Bringing Stella Home 2.0, both of which have stalled in recent weeks. Here’s what I’m thinking: I’m currently swamped with school, and have been for the last several weeks, but after tomorrow, most of the urgent important stuff… Continue reading I need a new deadline

September recap

So, September’s over now.  Where in the heck did all that time go?  In some ways, I can still remember the summer…but in other ways, it’s never been further away. So, what did I do this past month?  Plenty.  I got a good start on school (14 credits this semester), I quit the writing advisor… Continue reading September recap

Six weeks to World Fantasy

Holy cow!  How is September halfway over?  It seems like school started just a week ago.  Only six and a half weeks before World Fantasy convention in San Jose, and I think I’m going to have to readjust some of my goals. I’d wanted to finish Bringing Stella Home 2.0 by the 11th of October,… Continue reading Six weeks to World Fantasy

Busy busy AWESOME day

I had an awesome day today.  Totally awesome.  If every day this semester is like this one, I’ll be dead tired before Thanksgiving but so happy it won’t even matter. It started at 7am.  Woke up, worked out, read a galley from Dragon Moon Press for Leading Edge while working out.  The book wasn’t that… Continue reading Busy busy AWESOME day