Just a few quick updates before I go to bed: My short story, Decision LZ150207, is getting published in The Leading Edge! Hooray! This will be my first publication credit. It certainly won’t be my last! As you can see from the progress bar to the right, I’ve started work on draft 2.2 of Ashes… Continue reading Some updates
Tag: Goals and Plans
On your mark, get set…
This post will be really quick, since it’s after midnight and I want to get up at seven tomorrow. I’ve decided to work on The Phoenix of Nova Terra for my next project. Except…I’m renaming it (yet again!) to… <drumroll, please> Ashes of the Starry Sea. I like this title much more than the previous one.… Continue reading On your mark, get set…
Things to do before June 8th
BYU’s Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers conference is coming up in less than a week, and I’m pretty excited for it! I’m signed up for the afternoon sessions only, but it should still be a great experience. From what I’ve heard, this conference is several steps up from CONduit and LTUE in terms of… Continue reading Things to do before June 8th
4k a day
It’s late, but I really need to write something of my recent thoughts on this blog, so this is going to be a stream-of-consciousness word-vomit sort of post. But please keep reading, it probably won’t be uninteresting. I haven’t been posting much on this blog recently, but I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing… Continue reading 4k a day
New directions
This past week, I’ve been going through Bringing Stella Home at quite a good clip. I’m going through the rough draft as I had it at the end of April, making some major revisions that hopefully are going to make it easier to write the middle section. I’ve been going along at a good clip,… Continue reading New directions
What did you do with your summer?
This is the question I’m kind of worried people will ask me (or I’ll ask myself) when fall rolls around. It’s looking more and more like I won’t be going to New York for the internship, so that begs the question–what else are you going to do? Are you going to be productive and do… Continue reading What did you do with your summer?
Miscellaneous news updates
I’m so bad at writing catchy titles for my blog posts. CORRECTION: I can come up with catchy, sexy, exciting titles for my blog posts, it’s just that the first one that comes to mind is always dull and uninteresting. Well, too bad. To quote my mother: “suffer!” Item One: State of the summer plans Real… Continue reading Miscellaneous news updates
Living in a state of limbo
Graduation was today. I’ve got another year left, but a lot of my friends are moving on. I took my last exam of the semester on Monday, and my contract at the FLSR ends Saturday morning at 10 am. And I have no idea where I’ll be living for the summer. There’s a chance I… Continue reading Living in a state of limbo
This sucks and I’m a horrible writer
It’s getting really, really hard for me not to believe that statement, especially as I finish up with the middle part of this novel. I’m starting to realize that I made a whole bunch of mistakes pages and pages ago, and that the climaxes just aren’t working without everything set up right. I know, cognitively,… Continue reading This sucks and I’m a horrible writer
Slugging it out and summer plans
Ok, last week I wrote almost nothing on this blog, and last night I wrote a quick post before going to bed that didn’t really explain much. I just got done reading one of Dave Farland’s kick-in-the-pants series of email newsletters and it said, basically, to post every day if you have a blog (unless… Continue reading Slugging it out and summer plans