Reading Resolution

My resolution last year was to read or DNF 100 books. I was doing pretty well on it through the summer, but then I stopped using Goodreads and lost count. (No particular reason, other than that I just fell out of using the site. It’s clunky and difficult to navigate, and after I started using… Continue reading Reading Resolution

NaNoWriMo 2021: Day Four

Words Written Today: 2,206 Children of the Starry Sea: 0 “In the Wake of Zedekiah Wight”: 2,206 Science Fiction from A to Z: 0 Total Words Written: 8,595 Total Words Remaining: 41,405 Total Words Ahead: 1,927 Really fun scene today in my short story “In the Wake of Zedekiah Wight,” which is quickly turning into… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2021: Day Four

NaNoWriMo 2021: Day One

Words Written Today: 2,022 Children of the Starry Sea: 1,010 “Lord of the Slaves” author’s note: 1,012 Total Words Written: 2,022 Total Words Remaining: 47,978 Total Words Ahead: 335 I was going to do the same thing with nanowrimo this year that I did last year, and turn out 50k words of short stories, but… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2021: Day One

Camp NaNoWriMo: Day One

Words written: 997 Stories written: 0 Total words written: 997 Total words remaining: 29,003 Total words ahead: 29 So after moving into my in-laws’ house to house-sit for them while they’re gone for the next 18 months, and hosting a ton of family in June when they came through for summer vacation, I’ve decided to… Continue reading Camp NaNoWriMo: Day One

A letter to my 2019 self from my 2020 self

First off, before you read anything else in this letter, go and buy the following items: A couple hundred N95 masks. A box of 100 buckshot shells. A Costco sized jar of vitamin C. A Costco sized jar of vitamin D3 (50 micrograms). Got that? Okay, good. Second, don’t panic. You are (mostly) already prepared… Continue reading A letter to my 2019 self from my 2020 self

NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twenty-Six

Words written: 2,682 Total words written: 39,545 Stories written: 6 Character interviews written: 4 Total words behind: 3,788 Catching up! Slowly, but surely. We’re in the home stretch now, and with just over 10k words to go, I think I may actually be able to pull this off. It’s gonna be close, but I may… Continue reading NaNoWriMo 2020 Day Twenty-Six

2019-11-07 Newsletter Author’s Note

This author’s note originally appeared in the November 7th edition of my author newsletter. To subscribe to my newsletter, click here. One of the things I’ve come to really love about married life is reading in bed with Mrs. Vasicek. Right now, I’m finishing House of Assassins by Larry Correia, and she’s reading the Westmark… Continue reading 2019-11-07 Newsletter Author’s Note