Crunch time

Sixty six percent!  I’ve officially passed the two thirds mark in the fourth revision for Mercenary Savior–and not a moment too soon.  With only a week and a half until World Fantasy 2010, it’s crunch time.  I’ll probably quit my temp job a week early in order to devote the last few days of the… Continue reading Crunch time

Worlds of our own choosing

Note: All material in this post is under full copyright.  Do not use without permission. About a month ago, I was walking out of the plasma center when inspiration smacked me square in the face.  Two character voices, both of which I’d never heard before, started having the most fascinating argument. Knowing that I would… Continue reading Worlds of our own choosing

Story Notebook #3 (part 2)

Alright, I said I’d finish running through my third story notebook, so here it is. After all, there’s no better time than now: The song, btw, is from Summoning of Spirits, quite possibly the best fanmade video game soundtrack that ocremix has put out. Oh, and it’s completely free; did I mention that? If you… Continue reading Story Notebook #3 (part 2)

Story Notebook #3 (part 1)

I’m not sure whether this notebook is #3 or #2. There’s a lot of notes from English 318, which would put it in the winter, but I don’t know if it’s from ’08 or ’09. Not that that matters; ideas are ideas.  And here they are! An empty parking garage with no exit. Covered this… Continue reading Story Notebook #3 (part 1)

Story notebook #2

A while ago I rediscovered my first story notebook and wrote a few posts on it.  I promised I’d do the same for my other story notebooks, so here’s the next one. For those of you who may be surprised that I’m sharing all my story ideas, let me explain why I’m doing this.  First,… Continue reading Story notebook #2

Old story notebook, part 3

Alright, it’s time to finish up with the old story notebook I discovered a couple of weeks ago.  These ideas were written down back in 2007, when I was writing the first draft of Ashes of the Starry Sea. Without further ado: In the future, people live in arcologies, and wars are fought outside by… Continue reading Old story notebook, part 3

Old story notebook, part 2

Alright, here is the second part of my oldest story notebook, the one that I just found a couple days ago.  These ideas date from 2007 when I started pursuing writing as more than a hobby, up to the summer of 2008 when I went to Jordan on the BYU study abroad program. The Singularity:… Continue reading Old story notebook, part 2

The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin

Urras and Annares, a world and its moon, separated by the gulf of space and two hundred years of mutual contempt.  On Urras, capitalist and socialist nations vie for dominance over the world’s rich and abundant resources.  On  Annares, the anarchist exiles scrounge for a meager living, but live in peace–and in hope. Shevek has… Continue reading The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin