Interview with Slava Heretz

I met Slava Heretz online shortly after I started publishing my books.  He’s another indie writer who specializes in science fiction and space opera.  I’m reading his short story / novelette series Outer Pendulum right now, and it’s pretty good.  If you like a good space adventure, I think you’ll like his stuff. Anyhow, we… Continue reading Interview with Slava Heretz

Random late night thoughts

I’ve been going on a lot of late night walks lately, just wandering restlessly around Provo.  Tonight I had some interesting thoughts about how much I’ve changed in the last year.  Surprisingly, I’ve grown a lot. Last  year at this time, I was all geared up for World Fantasy Convention.  I had just finished Bringing… Continue reading Random late night thoughts

Coming along nicely

First things first: the latest post for the Bringing Stella Home blog tour is up over at Michael Offut’s blog; you can find it here.  Michael asked me to blog about Brandon Sanderson’s English 318R class, so I recapped some of my experiences, including the best advice Brandon ever gave me.  Go check it out!… Continue reading Coming along nicely

Q3 Report, 2011

Before I move on to other, more interesting subjects, I want to take a little bit of time to review how my writing went in the past three months.  For those of you who may be new, this is something I like to do at the start of each new quarter.  Keeps me honest, I… Continue reading Q3 Report, 2011

What does it mean to be “published”?

One interesting thing about making the shift from traditional to indie publishing is that it changes your perspective on what it means to be “published,” and not in ways that you might expect. Before I made the shift, I felt as if I were at the base of a giant mountain, where climbing to the… Continue reading What does it mean to be “published”?

To publish or not to publish?

That’s what I’m wondering about right now with my latest project, Star Wanderers. The full-length novel isn’t complete yet, but the first part forms a self-contained novelette that has been sooo much fun to write. The story takes place in the Gaia Nova universe, about five hundred Earth years before the events of Bringing Stella… Continue reading To publish or not to publish?

My first 1 star review

Well, I went through a significant rite of passage over the weekend: I got my first one star review on Amazon.  The review was for “From the Ice Incarnate,” which doesn’t really surprise me because it’s currently my lowest rated story.  The biggest complaint seems to be that it feels more like a vignette than a… Continue reading My first 1 star review

Skye Object 3270a by Linda Nagata

It’s not easy being a teenager in the orbital colony of Silk–especially when all the adults are functionally immortal and anyone under one hundred is considered an adolescent.  To make matters worse, Skye fell to the city in an escape pod when she was just a baby, with no idea who she is, where she’s from, or how long… Continue reading Skye Object 3270a by Linda Nagata

How do you know when you’ve succeeded?

With books and publishing changing so quickly, a lot of writers are wondering how they can tell when they’ve actually “made it.” It’s a valid question, one that I think we all need to answer if we want to write seriously.  For myself in particular, as an indie writer, how will I know when I’ve achieved… Continue reading How do you know when you’ve succeeded?