So now that I’m finished with Desert Stars, the next project I’m working on is a companion novella to Bringing Stella Home titled Sholpan. While Bringing Stella Home is about James and his quest to rescue his brother and sister, Sholpan is entirely from Stella’s point of view and traces her rise in Hameji society, from prisoner… Continue reading Sholpan, or The Great Novella Experiment
Tag: indie publishing
Blurb for Bringing Stella Home and thoughts on Borders
One of the essential elements for a successful in epublishing is a killer book description, and I think I’ve got a pretty decent one for Bringing Stella Home. However, I could use some feedback, so if you could read it and tell me what you think, that would be great. Here it is: It is a… Continue reading Blurb for Bringing Stella Home and thoughts on Borders
Desert Stars 3.0 is finished!
That’s right; after almost exactly two months of writing, the third draft of Desert Stars is now complete! This is the first draft where I feel that things are truly coming together the way they should be, where the story is transforming into something that not only works, but is actually fairly awesome. I’m probably… Continue reading Desert Stars 3.0 is finished!
Shoot your fans?
Today’s issue of Dave’s Daily Kick was titled “Hooking Credibility,” and I’m not sure what I think of it. At the end, Dave’s brother Tailspin Jim had the following to say: What I’m about to add is so basic that [Dave] would never think to include it, but you may be like the vast majority… Continue reading Shoot your fans?
Why I am not afraid of the Noise part II
A recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal titled “Cherish the Book Publishers–You’ll Miss Them When They’re Gone” has ignited a firestorm across the indie publishing community. The post’s basic argument is that the ease of self publishing and the end of New York as the gatekeepers of quality will make it harder for readers… Continue reading Why I am not afraid of the Noise part II
Civilized internet trolling and things to look out for
The Genesis Earth blog tour rolls on; just recently, I did an interview with Cindy Borgne of Dreamer’s Perch. She’s been showcasing a number of other indie writers on her site, and the interviews are quite interesting, so check it out! Also, Moses Siregar is up to an interesting new project called Indie Author Rockstar. … Continue reading Civilized internet trolling and things to look out for
Hmm…short stories?
Kris Rusch has another excellent Thursday post up on her blog, and this one deals with the effect of the ebook revolution on the short story format. Synopsis: short stories stand to EXPLODE in the next few years, and this is good for everybody, especially indie writers. Getting a story published in a magazine 1)… Continue reading Hmm…short stories?
I need a productivity boost
Yeah…today wasn’t that great. I revised through about 2k words in Desert Stars, but none of it was new material, and I only worked on it for maybe 3 cumulative hours. I’m working full time now, but even so, I can do better than this. My self-imposed deadline for Desert Stars is July 9th. That… Continue reading I need a productivity boost
First Radio interview and other such stuff
Dude, check it out–my first radio interview just went live on the Dungeon Crawler’s Radio website! I met these guys at CONduit last month, where they had a booth and were recording all sorts of authors and artist. They were way cool when I talked with them, and when they found out I was a… Continue reading First Radio interview and other such stuff
Ebook update
As many of you know, I epublished my first novel two weeks ago, and three short stories a few months before that. How has it been going? First, let me point out that I have another guest post out as part of the Genesis Earth blog tour, this one on my friend Gamila’s blog. Gamila… Continue reading Ebook update