Does every book need to be professionally edited? Will it be the end of the world if you publish something without running it past an editor? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes, but there are different kinds of edits, and different ways to do each one. You don’t have to pay through the nose to… Continue reading E is for Editing
Tag: indie publishing
D is for Discoverability
If there’s one thing that indie writers like to talk about when they talk shop, it’s “discoverability”–how to make their books stand out so that readers can discover them. You don’t have to spend much time on author blogs or writing forums to find some pretty intense discussions about this topic. For those of us… Continue reading D is for Discoverability
C is for Cover Art
They say not to judge a book by its cover, but the truth is we all do. In fact, the cover probably sells a book more than the book blurb does. Whether in print or in digital format, it’s the first part of the book that readers see, and often makes the difference between “meh”… Continue reading C is for Cover Art
B is for Book Blurb
Perhaps the most important part of your book’s sales page, on Amazon or any other retailer, is the book description. More than anything else (except perhaps the cover), this is what sells your book. If done right, it will interest the reader enough to download a sample or buy the book outright. If not, they… Continue reading B is for Book Blurb
A is for Advice
For this year’s Blogging from A to Z Challenge, I’m going to write about self-publishing. I’m not a huge bestseller, but I have been a self-published indie author for the past three years, and I’m more or less making a living at it now (it’s still touch and go from month to month, but writing… Continue reading A is for Advice
What I’ve been up to lately (besides short stories)
It’s been a while since I did an update post, so I figure I should do one of those to let you guys know what projects I’m working on. There are quite a few of them, and I’m happy to say that the writing is going quite well! If I don’t post on this blog… Continue reading What I’ve been up to lately (besides short stories)
My current publishing to do list
This is what my current writing space looks like. It’s hard to see, but there’s a board taped to the wall with the label “Publishing To Do.” Even though that board is right next to me whenever I’m working on stuff, I hardly ever look at it, and the tasks just keep piling up. So… Continue reading My current publishing to do list
Resolutions and such for 2014
Yes, I know this post is a couple of days late. Yesterday I was busy publishing Star Wanderers: Deliverance (Part VIII), though, and the day before that I was on the train, and today I had to renew my vehicle registration … enough! On to the resolutions. 1. Publish something every 6 weeks. One thing… Continue reading Resolutions and such for 2014
SW-I OUTWORLDER is #1 on Amazon’s Space Opera subcategory!
Check it out! 😀 With the new cover, Star Wanderers: Outworlder (Part I) has been bouncing around the #3 / #4 slots, with the top slot taken by books with holiday weekend promos. But now that it’s Tuesday, it’s right up there at the #1 spot! This is without any kind of extra promotion on… Continue reading SW-I OUTWORLDER is #1 on Amazon’s Space Opera subcategory!
Not a new book, just a new cover!
So a couple of weeks ago, I got an email out of the blue from Derek Murphy over at CreativIndie Covers. He’s a cover designer who periodically does cover makeovers for indie writers, as a way to bring in business and build his own reputation. He wanted to do an experiment to see if he… Continue reading Not a new book, just a new cover!