Unless you have an unhealthy aversion to kissing books, you’re probably familiar with Slap Slap Kiss. It’s common in genre romance, but you’ll often find it in science fiction & fantasy too. When done well, it’s a great way to make sparks fly, but when done poorly…I think you can fill in the rest. The… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Slap Slap Kiss
Tag: just for fun
Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, aka the best 4x strategy game of ALL TIME
Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri is, without a doubt, the best strategy game I have ever played. I have many fond memories playing it into the early morning hours while I was in college. I just bought it for $2.99. What have I done?? The last time I played this game, it quite literally consumed my… Continue reading Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, aka the best 4x strategy game of ALL TIME
STARS OF BLOOD AND GLORY 1.1 is finished!
That’s right! After what felt like six hours of un-anesthetized brain surgery, Stars of Blood and Glory 1.0 is finally complete! Here are the stats: words: 76,326 chapters: 18, prologue & epilogue ms pages: 360 start date: 20 Dec 2011 end date: 2 Feb 2011 Some extended stats, just for fun: days spent writing: 36 miles traveled: ~5,500 viewpoint characters: 5 characters from… Continue reading STARS OF BLOOD AND GLORY 1.1 is finished!
Character Interview: Master Sergeant Roman Andrei Krikoryan
So I recently heard about a really interesting blogfest, where the goal is to blog about the characters in your story, as well as have a little fun with flash fiction. The prizes look pretty good, too: a couple of free books and a manuscript critique, from a couple of up-and-coming editors. Not bad…but the… Continue reading Character Interview: Master Sergeant Roman Andrei Krikoryan
Am I swamped, or am I lazy?
This post might get a little emo, so I apologize in advance. I feel like I have so much on my plate right now, and yet when I look back at what I’ve accomplished each day, I wonder if I couldn’t have been more productive. I’m moving out of my apartment on the 21st, so… Continue reading Am I swamped, or am I lazy?
Trope Tuesday: Walking the Earth
Oh there’s sober men in plenty And drunkards barely twenty There are men of over ninety That have never yet kissed a girl. But give me a wandering rover From Orkney down to Dover We will roam the country over And together we’ll face the world. When a character decides to walk the Earth, they… Continue reading Trope Tuesday: Walking the Earth
We have some pretty weird traditions in my family. One of them is that we watch The Ten Commandments every Thanksgiving. Another is that my mother tells everyone “rabbit rabbit!” on the first of every month. Yet another: whenever anyone opens a bucket of fresh butter, everyone nearby screams bloody murder and scrambles to be… Continue reading Tradition!
I have a confession to make…I bought minecraft a week ago, and I’ve been playing it almost non-stop ever since. It is such a fun, addicting game! The goal is…well, there is no goal, and that’s kind of the point. You start out in this vast open wilderness full of resources, and you gather them… Continue reading Minecraft!
Some awesome blogs you should follow
So a bunch of blogs I follow have been doing this blogfest called “Pay it Forward,” organzied by Alex J. Cavanaugh. The idea is to bring attention to some well deserving yet lesser known blogs, and that’s something I’m all for supporting. The rules are simple: list, describe and link to three blogs that you… Continue reading Some awesome blogs you should follow
Birthday wish list
So my birthday is coming up a little later this week, and my family has been asking what’s on my wish list. In order to help them out, as well as anyone who might feel inclined to give me stuff, I thought I’d post it here on my blog. Some of the stuff might be… Continue reading Birthday wish list