News, a correction, and an awesome AvB remix

Today I was supposed to finish the second draft of Sholpan, but I moved apartments this weekend, so everything got thrown completely out of whack.  I’m all moved into my new place now (with some awesome Quarkie roommates), but Sholpan is going to have to wait until Monday. Fortunately, I’ve only got a couple of… Continue reading News, a correction, and an awesome AvB remix

How’s my new blog template?

It’s up!  What do you think? I especially like the sidebar layout, with the featured item on top and the double sidebars below.  I think I’m going to put all my promotional stuff (books, social networks) on the right sidebar, with all the blog stuff (tags, archives, recent comments, blogroll, etc) on the left. I’m… Continue reading How’s my new blog template?

Teaser: Starmap from Bringing Stella Home

First off, let me get some business out of the way.  I did another post for the Genesis Earth blog tour, this time on my friend Cavan’s blog.  The subject: how and why I decided to become an indie published writer. Also, if you live in Europe, it may interest you to know that Genesis… Continue reading Teaser: Starmap from Bringing Stella Home

Civilized internet trolling and things to look out for

The Genesis Earth blog tour rolls on; just recently, I did an interview with Cindy Borgne of Dreamer’s Perch.  She’s been showcasing a number of other indie writers on her site, and the interviews are quite interesting, so check it out! Also, Moses Siregar is up to an interesting new project called Indie Author Rockstar. … Continue reading Civilized internet trolling and things to look out for

I need a productivity boost

Yeah…today wasn’t that great.  I revised through about 2k words in Desert Stars, but none of it was new material, and I only worked on it for maybe 3 cumulative hours.  I’m working full time now, but even so, I can do better than this. My self-imposed deadline for Desert Stars is July 9th.  That… Continue reading I need a productivity boost

New title and writing update

Just a quick update before I go to bed. After much deliberation, I decided to go with Desert Stars as a title.  Thanks, Megan, for suggesting it.  It’s a little short, and doesn’t exactly wow me, but I’ll try it out and see if I grow into it.  The most important thing anyway is what… Continue reading New title and writing update

Back in Mass

Mass = Massachusetts = “back east,” for all you unwashed Utahans! My sister’s wedding is this weekend, so I’m back at my parents’ place helping them get everything set up.  It’s going to be a busy day tomorrow, but I’ve got my netbook and will probably get a couple good hours of writing in. I… Continue reading Back in Mass

How to say “I love you” in math

I was having dinner at the McQueens today, and after chatting with my brother in law’s cousins about numerous interesting subjects (zombie contingency plans, preferred food substances to swim in, and the amount of sugar it would take to launch  you into space), we got onto the subject of math as a language. Side note:… Continue reading How to say “I love you” in math

Killing the sacred cows while doing data entry

Sorry for the lack of blog posts; I’ve been working 40 hours a week at this temp job, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for other things outside of writing.  I’m still plugging along at about 1k to 2k words per day, but a lot of other stuff is falling behind.  Fortunately, the job… Continue reading Killing the sacred cows while doing data entry

Just another update

A few updates, in case you’re interested in what’s going on with me: I’m getting ready to post a new story to Amazon.  This is going to be the one that won first place in the 2009 Mayhew short story contest at BYU.  It’s also an excerpt for Genesis Earth, which is currently in the… Continue reading Just another update