That’s right; the fifth draft of Genesis Earth is complete. It was a quick, easy edit, but there were quite a few problems with the last draft, mostly having to do with the physics and timing/distances. Anyway, here are the stats: ms pages: 335 words: 71,500 file size: 164 KB chapters: 16, prologue & epilogue… Continue reading Genesis Earth 5.0 is finished!
Tag: just for fun
So a few days ago I discovered this French techno group called Daft Punk. They are freaking amazing! I’ve been listening to them nonstop ever since–and when I say non-stop, I mean it quite literally. Their music is so awesome, it blows my mind! Take the stuff they’re doing for the new Tron movie, for… Continue reading DAFT PUUUNK!!
Dog dead workdays and killing your characters
This post is going to be super quick because I’m dead tired. Due to power surges and computer glitches, I had to work overtime today and yesterday at the warehouse, so I really haven’t had time for anything except writing and a little socializing at Leading Edge. However, things are going well. I’ll get the… Continue reading Dog dead workdays and killing your characters
Gliese 581g: The first New Earth?
My friends, the revolution has begun. Scientists from UC Santa Cruz announced today the discovery of Gliese 581g, the first planet discovered in the habitable zone of its star. Let me repeat: the first planet discovered in the habitable zone of its star. In this habitable zone, temperatures are just right to support life as… Continue reading Gliese 581g: The first New Earth?
Bed intruder song بالعربي
I can’t believe I just did this. An Arabic speaker asked, in a youtube comment, for a translation of the recent Antoine Dodson rapist song meme. Since I didn’t have anything better to do was already busy procrastinating, I went ahead and made a rough translation. Here it is: ومن الواضح أن لدينا في لينكولن… Continue reading Bed intruder song بالعربي
Update on things
Revised the first chapter of Mercenary Savior today. I will probably revise it a couple more times before this draft is finished, but at least I’ve done it once. For some reason, most of my alpha readers didn’t give me too many comments to work with. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or… Continue reading Update on things
What’s for lunch?
So a few weeks ago, I decided I needed to make some changes in my life and start eating healthier. I figured the best way to do this was to experiment with Middle Eastern cuisine, because: 1) it’s healthy, 2) it’s cheap, and 3) it’s fun! First, I made a batch of pita bread, using… Continue reading What’s for lunch?
End in sight
Things are winding down for my current work in progress, Worlds Away from Home–or should I say winding up, since I’m just a chapter or two from the major climax? In any case, by the end of the week, inshallah, the rough draft will be finished. <crosses fingers> It’s been tough, but I’m cautiously optimistic… Continue reading End in sight
Story Notebook #3 (part 2)
Alright, I said I’d finish running through my third story notebook, so here it is. After all, there’s no better time than now: The song, btw, is from Summoning of Spirits, quite possibly the best fanmade video game soundtrack that ocremix has put out. Oh, and it’s completely free; did I mention that? If you… Continue reading Story Notebook #3 (part 2)
Braving the unexpected rough spots
Right now, I’m going through this unexpected rough spot in my novel, where I know what’s supposed to happen (or at least I have enough of an idea to wing it fairly well), but the writing just isn’t coming. This happens every time I hit the two thirds mark, and it really sucks. Currently, I’m… Continue reading Braving the unexpected rough spots