[NOTE: this is part two in a series of posts lifted from the quark message boards where I recently GM’d a game of Werewolf. The theme was Final Fantasy 6, one of my favorite RPGs of all time. To see all posts in the series, click here. WARNING: there will be spoilers here, and lots of them, so… Continue reading FF6 Werewolf Tribute: first night
Tag: just for fun
FF6 Werewolf Tribute: game start
[NOTE: this is part one in a series of posts lifted from the quark message boards where I recently GM’d a game of Werewolf. The theme was Final Fantasy 6, one of my favorite RPGs of all time. To see all posts in the series, click here. WARNING: there will be spoilers here, and lots… Continue reading FF6 Werewolf Tribute: game start
I <3 Lunasa
Lunasa is an Irish folk music band–one of the best that I know. If you haven’t heard of them, you should check them out. I mean, at the very least, check out Kevin Crawford’s mad whistling: Crazy! Sometimes, when I wonder what I should do after I graduate, I get these starry eyed dreams of… Continue reading I <3 Lunasa
Busy busy AWESOME day
I had an awesome day today. Totally awesome. If every day this semester is like this one, I’ll be dead tired before Thanksgiving but so happy it won’t even matter. It started at 7am. Woke up, worked out, read a galley from Dragon Moon Press for Leading Edge while working out. The book wasn’t that… Continue reading Busy busy AWESOME day
If I were a character in Twilight…
I don’t know why I did this, but I saw it while wasting time on the internet and somehow suckered myself into it. Judging from all the advertising crap I had to go through just to get this result, I’m probably going to be spammed to high heaven for the next ten years. Fortunately, all… Continue reading If I were a character in Twilight…