Thoughts on history of the entire world, i guess

There’s this really fantastic video on YouTube that’s been making the rounds, and if you’ve found any of my discussions of history interesting (like this one, which I need to do a followup on), you’ve probably either seen or are going to really love it: Some thoughts/reactions: That’s actually one of the most fascinating explanations… Continue reading Thoughts on history of the entire world, i guess

On the way to 10k

631 words in 30 minutes, 1250 WPH. 2404 so far today. Taking a break to make dinner. #amwriting — Joe Vasicek (@onelowerlight) January 8, 2016 #amwriting through a rough spot. 216 words in 30 minutes, only 400 WPH. Hopefully next session is better. — Joe Vasicek (@onelowerlight) January 11, 2016 First session of the day:… Continue reading On the way to 10k

Reasons why September is my favorite month of the year

Chilly mornings Campfire smoke Farmer’s markets Crisp Gala apples Home-cooked chili Autumn leaves Labor Day weekend My birthday Start of the school calendar Old friends coming and going Last chance to go mountain climbing First chance to take out winter clothes End of the summer slump Beginning of harvest season Orion and the Pleiades Clear… Continue reading Reasons why September is my favorite month of the year

The door hissed open

Heinlein’s doors famously “iris” open, and the doors in my novels “hiss” open. That gives us a pretty good idea what it sounds like, but what does it look like? This: That part at the end where he presses the two keys and steps through–that is almost exactly what I imagine it looks like when… Continue reading The door hissed open