Arrrgh Smashwords!

So I go to upload “From the Ice Incarnate” to Smashwords as a free give away, and this is what I see. Arrgh!  Why do I have to wait??  Why can’t my book be up nowww…? Okay, seriously, it’s not that big of a deal.  I’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to start spamming… Continue reading Arrrgh Smashwords!


So this morning when I was getting ready for church, I realized that I couldn’t find my Kindle.  Anywhere.  Remembering that I’d left it at a Quark event in my apartment’s lobby, I started frantically calling people and knocking doors.  Unfortunately, no one had seen it. A few hours later, after combing every place I… Continue reading …WHUT

A year later

So a year ago, I came back to Utah after a terrible internship experience, with no idea where I was going to live, how I was going to support myself, or what I was going to do with my life.  I was leaving the cloistered halls of academia and venturing for the first time out… Continue reading A year later

Thanksgiving report from Texas

So for Thanksgiving this year, I drove down with my sister and brother in law to have Thanksgiving in Houston with my other sister’s family.  It’s Friday night, and I’m about to hit the sack to get prepped for the long 24+ hour drive back to Utah, but let me say, this vacation has been… Continue reading Thanksgiving report from Texas

Life in the Real World

So it’s been a week since I graduated, and life in the “real world” is very different from academia.  In some ways, it’s scary, but in other ways, it’s actually kind of fun. Freedom from schoolwork is HUGE.  Seriously, I had no idea how much day-to-day stress came from school until now.  Without this or… Continue reading Life in the Real World