The Lifecycle of Software Objects by Ted Chiang

Ana was a washed-up zoologist turned programmer looking for work; Derek was an avatar designer for the Data Earth virtual reality platform.  The thing that brought them together: Blue Gamma Inc., manufacturer of autonomous self-aware AI pets known as digients. Like any pet, each digient requires constant attention as they learn and grow.  Soon, Ana… Continue reading The Lifecycle of Software Objects by Ted Chiang

Going camping and novella update

Just a quick update on things: I’m going camping this weekend up Huntington Reservoir with some friends, so I won’t be around for a couple of days.  It should be fun; last trip was a good chance to step back and recharge, and I definitely could use that right now. At the same time, I’m… Continue reading Going camping and novella update

Sholpan, or The Great Novella Experiment

So now that I’m finished with Desert Stars, the next project I’m working on is a companion novella to Bringing Stella Home titled Sholpan.  While Bringing Stella Home is about James and his quest to rescue his brother and sister, Sholpan is entirely from Stella’s point of view and traces her rise in Hameji society, from prisoner… Continue reading Sholpan, or The Great Novella Experiment

Q1 report, 2011

So in terms of writing, this was a pretty decent quarter.  Nothing too prolific, but definitely making progress on my writing goals for 2011, which include: 1) finish at least two polished novels, 2) finish at least three new rough drafts, 3) start at least four major new projects. The spike in the graph from… Continue reading Q1 report, 2011

Character DTRs and other such stuff

Just a quick post before I go to bed. The two main characters in WAFH just had a DTR (Define The Relationship discussion) and it was, well, kind of rough.  I don’t know what’s harder: having one in real life, or writing a fictional one that actually works. I also don’t know which one I… Continue reading Character DTRs and other such stuff