Black Panther

Pay no attention to the people trying to make this movie all about race or politics or whatever. They’re all just agenda-driven media whores trying desperately to hijack whatever’s popular at the moment in order to remain culturally relevant. This movie has nothing to do with any of them. I really enjoyed Black Panther. Good… Continue reading Black Panther

Bake the #MAGA cake

The US Supreme Court is hearing a case today that will decide whether or not a gay couple can force a cake artist to decorate a cake for a gay wedding. The issue at stake is not whether a business can refuse service to people based on sexual orientation (the baker was willing to sell… Continue reading Bake the #MAGA cake

Undercover Antifa: This story needs to get out!

There’s a lot that I could say, but I think the video speaks for itself: One question: when Antifa has their Charlottesville moment and somebody dies at their hands, how is the mainstream media going to cover it? What is the narrative going to be? Good on team Crowder for exposing these domestic terrorists. Make… Continue reading Undercover Antifa: This story needs to get out!

Thoughts on the violence in Charlottesville

No one is right in any of this. I tend to lean to the “right,” but it’s a completely different “right” than any of the protesters at this event. Constitutional conservatives and classical liberals are both increasingly endangered species in this country, and that’s a problem. Nothing in our Constitution supports Nazism and white nationalism.… Continue reading Thoughts on the violence in Charlottesville

This guy hits the nail on the head

Financialization is what happens when the people-in-charge “create” colossal sums of “money” out of nothing — by issuing loans, a.k.a. debt — and then cream off stupendous profits from the asset bubbles, interest rate arbitrages, and other opportunities for swindling that the artificial wealth presents. It was a kind of magic trick that produced monuments… Continue reading This guy hits the nail on the head

The end of politics in America, part 2

How did Trump become the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth? A lot of people are asking that question, while a lot of other people already know (hint: it wasn’t the Russians). But I want to get beyond the circus that is Washington DC, and answer that question by asking another: Can politics solve our nation’s greatest… Continue reading The end of politics in America, part 2

Thoughts on the #Alexandria shooting

This attack was a warning. It could have been much worse. There could be more than a dozen dead congressmen right now. We could be in a national crisis as severe as 9/11, or more. This was a premeditated and carefully planned act of domestic terrorism. It is clear that the attacker was politically motivated.… Continue reading Thoughts on the #Alexandria shooting

The end of politics in America, part 1

I am convinced that the grand key to understanding United States history in the 20th century—and by extension, current events in the 21st—is a deep knowledge of monetary policy and the financial system. In 1913, two things happened: Congress established the Federal Reserve, and the Constitution was amended to allow for an income tax. This… Continue reading The end of politics in America, part 1