I’m being responsible (for once)

I’ve got this history paper due on Thursday.  It’s the big research paper for the semester, and it counts for a large portion of the final grade.  Because the deadline is coming up, it’s really pressing on my mind right now. Earlier in the semester, we had smaller assignments related to the paper–for example, we… Continue reading I’m being responsible (for once)

A slow spot

This last week has been somewhat frustrating.  Started it off well, with good progress in my story, but early on in the week, all kinds of assignments started piling onto me–stuff that I should have seen coming, but have been putting off ’til the last minute (as usual).  It didn’t help that I just discovered… Continue reading A slow spot

It’s up!

If you look off to the sidebar on your right, you might notice the two incredibly awesome meters off to the side.  Aren’t they freaking awesome??  Drek programmed those and helped me install them on my website!  They show my writing progress for the last day and the last seven days.  The number on the… Continue reading It’s up!

A change of direction?

I had a chat with Aneeka yesterday about writing.  She was in London waiting to catch the bus to Scotland at around 4:00 am or so (jealous!), and I was winding down a frustratingly unproductive day. I told her how I’m trying to divide my attention between two different projects, and she had some interesting… Continue reading A change of direction?


This week has been pretty good.  Scholastically, I’ve had two (well, three) midterms, a paper, and other assorted homework.  I managed to pull it off surprisingly well, and now I feel like I have a bunch of free time.  Yay! I still seem to be in a rough spot, though, with my writing.  It’s starting… Continue reading Updates

Making it up on the weekend

Yesterday, as I was writing a small paper (~500 words) for PLSC 201, I realized that I would be FINISHED with classes this week today at three o’clock and I wouldn’t really have to worry about homework.  What a delicious breath of freedom! So today, after I slept through the four hour-and-a-half classes that I… Continue reading Making it up on the weekend