So I just finished the rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling, after nine days of outlining and prewriting, and five days of working with Sudowrite to generate it. The rough draft clocks in at 18 chapters (plus a prologue and an epilogue), 80 scenes, and 153,254 words. I used about 770,000 AI… Continue reading The rough AI draft of The Soulbond and the Sling is complete!
Tag: Sudowrite
Five things I did at work last week
I’ve been so busy, I almost forgot to do one of these posts! Here are my five bullets from last week, feel free to add your own in the comments:
Up and Back from Denver
My uncle just got remarried, after losing his wife of some 40+ years to dimentia. The wedding was Saturday, so I flew up there in the early morning with my two sisters who live here in Utah. And then, because my four year-old daughter had her first primary program in church this Sunday, I flew… Continue reading Up and Back from Denver
WIP Excerpt: Captive of the Falconstar, Chapter 5 (AI generated)
I’ve been experimenting a lot with AI-assisted writing, and I think I’m starting to produce some decently good work with it. Of course, in six months I’ll probably look back on what I’m producing now and feel utterly embarrassed by how bad it is, but still, it’s measurably better than the stuff I was producing… Continue reading WIP Excerpt: Captive of the Falconstar, Chapter 5 (AI generated)
How Not To Write An AI-Assisted Novel
The worst way to write a novel with generative AI is to make the AI do all the work. In fact, thinking of it in terms of “how much of the work can I get the AI to do?” is pretty much guaranteed to give you a really crappy book by the end of it.… Continue reading How Not To Write An AI-Assisted Novel
The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!
It only took about a month, but it would have been much faster if I’d used Story Engine. Honestly, I probably could have generated the text in a week if I’d used that tool, or perhaps even an afternoon. Instead, I outlined the project myself, wrote the first couple of paragraphs for each individual scene,… Continue reading The Sudowrite draft of The Riches of Xulthar is finished!
Riches of Xulthar update
So it’s the 25th of the month, which is also the 25th day of the billing period for Sudowrite, and used up all of my AI words. The Riches of Xulthar, my first AI-assisted novel, is currently a little over 27k, which means I have 13k words to go (I’m shooting for the minimum novel… Continue reading Riches of Xulthar update
More early thoughts on AI-assisted writing
It’s become something of a cliche that true writers write because they can’t not write, but as with so many other stereotypes and cliches, there’s a kernel of truth in it. I’ve been writing on and off since the 8th grade, and even during periods of my life when I wasn’t able to focus on… Continue reading More early thoughts on AI-assisted writing
AI-assisted story practice recap
So it’s Saturday night, which means the end of the work week for me. How did I do with my goal to write 10 AI-assisted stories? Not terrible: I did manage to write 6 stories, at least through the AI part. I also burned through about 40k word on my Sudowrite plan—obviously, I didn’t include… Continue reading AI-assisted story practice recap
Jordan Peterson defeats a dragon and saves a princess
Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, a ferocious dragon was wreaking havoc on the land. The people were living in constant fear, and no knight dared to face the beast. But then, a wise professor named Jordan Peterson arrived in the kingdom. He had studied the 12 Rules for Life and knew that… Continue reading Jordan Peterson defeats a dragon and saves a princess