Quick update

Haven’t been writing as much in Ashes these past few days. With my new goal, I need to be doing about 2.5k per day in that work, but things have slowed down considerably. I need to rekindle some excitement for this project. I will finish it–I’ve made the goal, set the deadline, and determined that… Continue reading Quick update

Goal shift for Ashes

These past few weeks, I’ve been killing myself trying to write Ashes of the Starry Sea. I’ve made some good progress, as you can see on the sidebar.  Today I broke 200 pages.  Not too bad. However, the pace has just been killing me.  4k words per day is something I can do…but 4k words… Continue reading Goal shift for Ashes

Movin’ along

I submitted a story to the Writers of the Future contest today.  Basically, I took the scene from Genesis Earth that won the Mayhew Contest this year, slapped just enough of an ending on it to make it feel like a coherent story (inshallah), changed a couple of universe details, and sent it out.  Time… Continue reading Movin’ along

Breaking 20k/7day and a new apartment

Today I broke 20k words for the running seven-day total.  According to my records, the last time that total was over 20k was Monday, June 8th.  Despite the fact that I moved into a new apartment today, I managed to finish with just over 4k for the day. You should have seem me at the… Continue reading Breaking 20k/7day and a new apartment

Twenty percent, Writers of the Future, and the INTERN

I am now 20% finished with Ashes of the Starry Sea. Huzzah!  The story is definitely picking up steam. In related news, my seven day totals has peaked higher than it’s been in the last two weeks, up above 17,500 words.  Inshallah, that number will rise to +24,000 befoore the end of the week. In… Continue reading Twenty percent, Writers of the Future, and the INTERN

Dragging behind a bit

My writing slowed down significantly during the Writing and Illustratin for Young Readers conference a week ago, and it hasn’t really picked up at all since then.  For my seven day totals, I’ve only been averaging between 17k and 14k–that means, on average, I’m doing about half what I want to be doing.  Blah. While… Continue reading Dragging behind a bit


So…I figure it’s been a week and I should probably post something on this blog. Wow. Well, work is underway on Ashes of the Starry Sea, and I’m starting to have a love-hate relationship with it.  Most writers say you first novel isn’t that good, and you just need to get it out of your… Continue reading something

Some updates

Just a few quick updates before I go to bed: My short story, Decision LZ150207, is getting published in The Leading Edge! Hooray!  This will be my first publication credit.  It certainly won’t be my last! As you can see from the progress bar to the right, I’ve started work on draft 2.2 of Ashes… Continue reading Some updates

On your mark, get set…

This post will be really quick, since it’s after midnight and I want to get up at seven tomorrow. I’ve decided to work on The Phoenix of Nova Terra for my next project.  Except…I’m renaming it (yet again!) to… <drumroll, please> Ashes of the Starry Sea. I like this title much more than the previous one.… Continue reading On your mark, get set…

Miscellaneous news updates

I’m so bad at writing catchy titles for my blog posts.  CORRECTION: I can come up with catchy, sexy, exciting titles for my blog posts, it’s just that the first one that comes to mind is always dull and uninteresting.  Well, too bad.  To quote my mother: “suffer!” Item One: State of the summer plans Real… Continue reading Miscellaneous news updates