Writing is not a business

I recently read Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. It’s a fantastic book, not only because it gives you a basic education on financial literacy, but because it gives you a solid foundation for making money in general. It’s one of those books that really deserves its bestseller status. About midway through reading it,… Continue reading Writing is not a business

A fascinating journey of discovery

I had a really fascinating experience last year that has turned into something of a journey of discovery. It’s still ongoing, and I’m sure it will affect my writing in years to come. It started with family history. Long time readers of this blog will know that I’ve been interested in family history for some time.… Continue reading A fascinating journey of discovery

Thoughts on Genesis Earth

So I finished rereading Genesis Earth, in preparation for writing the sequel, and I have to say it was not what I expected. It wasn’t disappointing. There were some annoying ticks that I noticed, like too many said bookisms or turns of phrase that I wouldn’t have written today. Also, the book was a little wordy… Continue reading Thoughts on Genesis Earth

Unthinkable truths

If you told the average person that you believed with near 100% certainty that intelligent alien life exists in the universe, they would consider you crazy. Yet the truth is that our universe is so incredibly vast, so full of Earthlike planets, that the odds that intelligent life only emerged here are low enough to… Continue reading Unthinkable truths

Happiness is always a choice. So is being offended.

Happiness is always a choice. Always. So is taking offense. No exceptions. Anyone who says otherwise does not want you to be an empowered, liberated human being. They are teaching you to believe that you are a powerless victim, unable to control your own destiny. There are only two classes of things in this world: things that… Continue reading Happiness is always a choice. So is being offended.

Why I need a gun (and you do too)

If you had lived in Germany before the Nazis came to power and a time traveler had told you how history would play out, what would you have done about it? The nation was reeling from a massive economic depression after a decade of war exhaustion. In this troubled time, a charismatic democratic socialist ran on a platform… Continue reading Why I need a gun (and you do too)

The Self-Sufficient Writer: Varieties of Collapse

What does a collapse look like? The first thing most people think of is the zombie apocalypse. Which makes sense, considering how popular zombie stories are. The signs of collapse are clear and present, with no room for ambiguity. The world has come to an end, and the only thing left is to pick up an… Continue reading The Self-Sufficient Writer: Varieties of Collapse

A political rant

There is no meaningful difference between Clinton and Trump. Both are narcissists. Both are habitual liars. Both are corrupt. Both have a tendency to blame others for their failures instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. Both treat the people underneath them poorly or with outright contempt. Both think they are above the law,… Continue reading A political rant

Thoughts on series and perma-free

For the last five years, the conventional wisdom among most indie writers has been to write short books in sequential series and make the first book permanently free. It’s a strategy that works, to a certain extent. It’s what got me from making pizza money on my book sales to making a humble living at this… Continue reading Thoughts on series and perma-free