Thoughts on outlining

I’m on track to finish my fifth novel in a couple days, and surprisingly, the writing has been going very smoothly. Usually by this point, my eyes are bleeding and I feel as if I have a hundred caltrops in my pants.  Finishing a rough draft is still the hardest part for me, since by… Continue reading Thoughts on outlining

Where will Joe go?

Just a quick and dirty update before bed, because hey it’s been forever since I’ve posted to this thing. Holy crap, this last week was CRAZY for my family!  Youngest sister got married, middle sister had a baby, and oldest sister…well, I’m not at liberty to discuss that yet.  But congratulations to all of you!… Continue reading Where will Joe go?

Why I am not afraid of the Noise

One of the biggest concerns for writers considering indie publishing is the fear of being drowned out by “the Noise”–all the obnoxious crap that will inevitably pile up because everyone thinks they can write a book.  After all, if anyone can self publish, anyone WILL self publish, including all the hordes of terrible, terrible writers. … Continue reading Why I am not afraid of the Noise

Disappointment and a shift in direction

So the latest round of judging for the 2011 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award came out today…and Genesis Earth didn’t make the cut. Oh well, at least I made it to the quarter finals.  Most of the reviews were encouraging, though the one from Publisher’s Weekly made me wonder if the reviewer had something against science… Continue reading Disappointment and a shift in direction

Killing the sacred cows while doing data entry

Sorry for the lack of blog posts; I’ve been working 40 hours a week at this temp job, which doesn’t leave a lot of time for other things outside of writing.  I’m still plugging along at about 1k to 2k words per day, but a lot of other stuff is falling behind.  Fortunately, the job… Continue reading Killing the sacred cows while doing data entry

A year later

So a year ago, I came back to Utah after a terrible internship experience, with no idea where I was going to live, how I was going to support myself, or what I was going to do with my life.  I was leaving the cloistered halls of academia and venturing for the first time out… Continue reading A year later

The Obligatory After-Conference Marriage Post

So in case you didn’t know, General Conference was this past weekend.  General Conference is this huge semi- annual conference broadcast live from Salt Lake City, where the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ talk on a number of topics and issues relevant to the church.  This year, one of the main recurring themes… Continue reading The Obligatory After-Conference Marriage Post

Spinning out

Just a quick post before I go to bed…and I really should, because it’s freaking late. I feel like I’ve been getting more and more busy, yet less and less productive.  It’s @%$! frustrating.  In the last two weeks, I’ve had numerous job applications and interviews (though not as many interviews as I’d like), tons… Continue reading Spinning out

A Fascinating Moral Dilemma

For FHE* tonight, we had an interesting discussion about ethical dilemmas and moral absolutes.  It started with the following question: If you were a prisoner of war, would you consent to have sex with the prison warden if it would set you free? The overwhelming answer, predictably enough (at least from a bunch of Mormons),… Continue reading A Fascinating Moral Dilemma

A few additional thoughts

So, after the last post on my ebook venture, I have a few thoughts: I haven’t yet decided to go all out indie, so don’t think that I am.  All I’m doing right now is putting out a couple of my short stories, mostly so I can learn hands-on how the epublishing process works (and… Continue reading A few additional thoughts