Near scare and an awesome idea for the next novel

I wrote 1,780 words this morning–not bad.  After such a good start, I figured I’d finish the last 720 for the day after finishing the day’s errands. Long story short, when I finally settled in at 11pm to do a little writing before going to bed, I had some weird problems.  Openoffice froze up, I… Continue reading Near scare and an awesome idea for the next novel

Quarterly report

So I figure that since I want to write professionally, it would be a good idea to keep track of my writing and do quarterly updates on my blog.  Here’s the first one for this year: The red line shows my daily writing word count, the blue line a running seven day total.  The graph… Continue reading Quarterly report

Old story notebook–found!

Guess what?  Last night, when I was looking through old boxes at my parents house (looking for my old ratty copy of On My Way to Paradise, specifically) I found my very first story notebook–the one I thought I’d lost on the Jordan study abroad two years ago! Wheeeeee!!! This notebook is a real gold mine–not… Continue reading Old story notebook–found!

Goodbye DC

So I have some crazy, unbelievable news to share: I got fired from my internship, under disputed circumstances.  That’s right: fired from my unpaid internship four weeks before it was scheduled to end. The exact reasons for the termination were never made completely clear to me, but I suspect politics played a significant role and… Continue reading Goodbye DC

Go to and read this.

Brandon Sanderson’s story of how he decided to become a writer is very interest.  It goes back to elementary school, when he hated books and reading in general.  A wise teacher put a copy of Barbara Hambly’s Dragonsbane in his hand, and it started a chain reaction that led to him becoming a bestselling writer.… Continue reading Go to and read this.

Major project shift

I’ve got this goal to finish my current work-in-progress, To Search the Starry Sea, by May 1st 2010.  However, the deeper I get into the story, the more I realize how many problems it has–how much it sucks, in other words. Normally, this wouldn’t keep me from dropping the project or putting it on hold.… Continue reading Major project shift

I’m published!

That’s right–my first published story just came out in issue 58 of The Leading Edge.  I am happy to say that after three years of formally pursuing my career as a writer, I am now a published author! The story is titled Decision LZ1527, and it’s about a guy asking a girl out on a date–as… Continue reading I’m published!

End of the apprenticeship

I got in a long conversation with my roommate tonight, where we talked about girls, government, the economy, 2010 elections, corporatism, Ursula K. Le Guin, and all other kinds of good stuff.  Towards the end, we got to talking about my goals to be a full time writer, and I showed him the record I’ve… Continue reading End of the apprenticeship

“This is my culture; this is my community”

So back at World Fantasy in San Jose, I picked up a bookmark for a science  fiction club in the Washington DC area, WSFA.  I figured that since I was headed out there, I should check it out.  Last night, I went to my first meeting. Getting there was quite an adventure.  The meeting was… Continue reading “This is my culture; this is my community”

Got a bite!

Just yesterday, I got a response to a query for Genesis Earth that I emailed to an agent at Nelson Literary Agency, LLC.  Apparently, my query piqued their interest and they wanted to see the first 30 pages of my manuscript! It’s not a huge development, of course–they haven’t requested the full, just a partial–but… Continue reading Got a bite!