The false narrative of a transgender “genocide” is a call for violence

Yesterday, a 28 year-old female-to-male transgender attacked a private Christian school in Tennessee, killing three teachers and three nine year-old students before being shot and killed by police. According to the police, this was a targeted attack that was likely motivated by the shooter’s transgenderism. Tennessee recently passed a ban on transgender surgeries for minors,… Continue reading The false narrative of a transgender “genocide” is a call for violence

This scenario would fulfill Ezra’s Eagle

UPDATE (6 November 2024): I have written a new post with my post-election thoughts on the Ezra’s Eagle prophecy, as well as an in-depth analysis of the lost ten tribes and how they may (or may not) play into the apocryphal prophecy. Read about it here. UPDATE (12 August 2024): I don’t know why Google… Continue reading This scenario would fulfill Ezra’s Eagle

Why I’m not worried about AI replacing writers

So machine learning artificial intelligence has really been blowing up this past month, probably because of ChatGPT and all of the fascinating things that people are doing with it. I’ve been getting into it myself, using it to help write or improve my book descriptions, and also experimenting with it for writing stories. At this… Continue reading Why I’m not worried about AI replacing writers

How I hacked my ADHD to triple my daily word count

Writing with ADHD can be tough. It’s easy to beat yourself up for being “undisciplined” or “lazy” when the greater problem is that you’re trying to work against your ADHD instead of finding ways to make it work for you. It’s like swimming against a rip current instead of swimming sideways to get out of… Continue reading How I hacked my ADHD to triple my daily word count

In response to “A Crippling Realization”

I got a lot of feedback on my last blog post, and rather than respond to it one at a time, I thought it would be better to just write another blog post and respond to it here. First of all, thanks for all of the support. I really appreciate it. I’m not going through… Continue reading In response to “A Crippling Realization”

A Crippling Realization

I have come to realize something that is, in some ways, making it very difficult for me to keep writing. Not in the short or the medium term—I’m actually making quite good progress on my current novel WIP, and am optimistic about finishing my three unfinished trilogies in the next couple of years. But when… Continue reading A Crippling Realization

The Grand Conspiracy, Part 2: Creator vs. Creation

A couple of months ago, I listened to this really fascinating interview between Daily Wire host Michael Knowles and a former occultis/astrologer who gave all that up (including a profitable podcast on the subject) to convert to Christianity. It’s a super-long interview, so here’s the TL;DL: if you don’t worship God, you will ultimately end… Continue reading The Grand Conspiracy, Part 2: Creator vs. Creation

The Grand Conspiracy, Part 1: Malice or Incompetence?

Remember the time before the pandemic, when “conspiracy theory” was still a dirty word? It still is in some quarters, but for many of us the term is now closer to “spoiler warning.” After all, what are we supposed to believe: that Epstein hung himself with a bedsheet that couldn’t hold his weight, from a… Continue reading The Grand Conspiracy, Part 1: Malice or Incompetence?

What’s really behind the “Mormon Church”‘s stance on the Respect for Marriage Act?

Earlier this year, the US Supreme Court overthrew Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson decision. This was a major legal and cultural earthquake. A big question that arose from this decision was how will this affect Obergefell v. Hodges, which codified same-sex marriage as legal back in 2015? Most of the conservative justices… Continue reading What’s really behind the “Mormon Church”‘s stance on the Respect for Marriage Act?