I mapped out all the major assignments for my capstone class for the next month on my calendar. Turns out I’ve got a lot more work than I thought I did. Because of that, I decided to start work on Genesis Earth 4.0 today. This is the final polish before World Fantasy convention. Of all… Continue reading Final polish
Tag: Thoughts and Reflections
School is kicking my trash
It’s true. This is what my wordcount spreadsheet currently looks like: Note that the seven day totals are dropping consistently. If I want to finish this novel before World Fantasy, I’m going to have to keep that number above 7,800…not including the work on Genesis Earth 4.0. Something tells me that’s going to be very… Continue reading School is kicking my trash
I look forward to having a 9 to 5 job
I really do. School is difficult, because you can never really separate yourself from your work at the end of the day. You’ve always got homework to do for the next day, or some project to prepare, some reading to do. There’s never a defined time where it “ends.” This semester so far has been… Continue reading I look forward to having a 9 to 5 job
Climax (thank you Ennio Morricone)
Just passed the major climax in the middle of Bringing Stella Home. In a moment that I hope is as poignant to the reader as it was to me, I…well, let’s just say I’m glad I’m not my main character. I hit the climax doing a 1,765 word sprint, with this song playing on repeat:… Continue reading Climax (thank you Ennio Morricone)
Conversations with a pedestrian
People in Utah are generally nice and easy to get along with…until it comes to traffic. That’s when all the jerks come out. I’ve seen the finger more times here in Utah than anywhere else in my life–even as a missionary in California. After living here for a while, it starts to irk you. So… Continue reading Conversations with a pedestrian
Summer roundup
Alright, with the first week of school already over, I figure I should recap and evaluate my writing progress this summer. When school ended in April, I was still waiting to hear back from Brandon Sanderson’s agent about an internship. My backup plan (which I started as soon as classes ended) was to stay in… Continue reading Summer roundup
I’m back!
Wow, I’m back from vacation. Not “back” as in back in Utah, but “back” as in no longer at the cape. We drove home to Western Massachusetts this evening and arrived just a couple hours ago. Family vacation this year was lots of fun! It was me, mom and pop, and Sarah and Mykle at… Continue reading I’m back!
Slush puppy feedback
A few weeks ago, I read a submission for The Leading Edge (I volunteer read slush for the magazine) from a lady from Germany. The story was about a dwindling race of indigenous natives being driven from their lands by a corporate, high-technology society. This one girl gets lost in the wilderness and everyone thinks… Continue reading Slush puppy feedback
Fistful of words
I’ve recently developed a taste for Ennio Morricone’s music. My writing process these days consists of me sitting down and watching this youtube clip: After that, I’m all gunned up and ready to work! Holy crap, today I sent out the first three chapters of Genesis Earth to the other two editors from the BYU… Continue reading Fistful of words
Quick update
Haven’t been writing as much in Ashes these past few days. With my new goal, I need to be doing about 2.5k per day in that work, but things have slowed down considerably. I need to rekindle some excitement for this project. I will finish it–I’ve made the goal, set the deadline, and determined that… Continue reading Quick update