4k a day

It’s late, but I really need to write something of my recent thoughts on this blog, so this is going to be a stream-of-consciousness word-vomit sort of post.  But please keep reading, it probably won’t be uninteresting. I haven’t been posting much on this blog recently, but I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing… Continue reading 4k a day

“That’s what it looks like when the infection sets in.”

So said Howard Tayler at CONduit today when he saw the expression on my face at the Aspiring writers Q&A panel.  We chatted a bit afterward, and he said something very encouraging: that if I continue to pursue my writing career with the same hunger he saw on my face, he believes I will be… Continue reading “That’s what it looks like when the infection sets in.”

13,837 words in a day?

Yeah, that’s right.  Believe it or not, I barreled through about 13,837 words today.  That’s thirteen THOUSAND, not thirteen hundred. Now, only about a thousand of that was new stuff  that I was writing.  Most of the rest of it was rearranging scenes that I’d already written, touching them up only a tiny bit.  I… Continue reading 13,837 words in a day?

New directions

This past week, I’ve been going through Bringing Stella Home at quite a good clip.  I’m going through the rough draft as I had it at the end of April, making some major revisions that hopefully are going to make it easier to write the middle section.   I’ve been going along at a good clip,… Continue reading New directions

Ugh. Just ugh.

Man, it was hard to write.  So hard, I only just finished, and it’s 1:30 am.  Ugh. The reason it was hard was because the character’s reactions in this scene needed to be totally revamped.  That also necessitated a complete shift in the structure of the writing, because the rough draft consisted almost entirely of… Continue reading Ugh. Just ugh.

Getting into it

Three days into Bringing Stella Home 1.1 and I’m really getting into it.  I’ve reworked the first and second chapters a ton.  It’s coming along surprisingly well, considering I was just about ready to throw in the towel a month ago. So far I’m over 12,000 words into the story, which shows up on the progress bar as… Continue reading Getting into it

What did you do with your summer?

This is the question I’m kind of worried people will ask me (or I’ll ask myself) when fall rolls around.  It’s looking more and more like I won’t be going to New York for the internship, so that begs the question–what else are you going to do?  Are you going to be productive and do… Continue reading What did you do with your summer?

Miscellaneous news updates

I’m so bad at writing catchy titles for my blog posts.  CORRECTION: I can come up with catchy, sexy, exciting titles for my blog posts, it’s just that the first one that comes to mind is always dull and uninteresting.  Well, too bad.  To quote my mother: “suffer!” Item One: State of the summer plans Real… Continue reading Miscellaneous news updates

Happy progress

Now that school is out and I don’t have any pressing obligations to keep me busy, I’m making some excellent progress on my writing.  Really good progress, actually.  I revised about five thousand words today, which, according to openoffice’s wordcounting algorithm, puts me at 73% finished.   Wow.  At that rate, I could be finished with… Continue reading Happy progress

Living in a state of limbo

Graduation was today.  I’ve got another year left, but a lot of my friends are moving on.  I took my last exam of the semester on Monday, and my contract at the FLSR ends Saturday morning at 10 am. And I have no idea where I’ll be living for the summer. There’s a chance I… Continue reading Living in a state of limbo