Revision, revision, revision

I finished revising chapter 6 of Genesis Earth today. It took a lot more time and effort than I’d expected. Even though I’d revised half the chapter yesterday, I started from the beginning and changed a lot of the other revisions I’d made. I think this version is stronger, but I’m not sure how it’ll… Continue reading Revision, revision, revision

The end of an era

Today was my last writing meeting as Quark writing vp. :'( It’s been a good run, two years as leader of the Quark Writing Group at BYU. I remember how it was when I started–I was still just a hobby writer, with a nebulous interest in getting published someday but without any real goals or… Continue reading The end of an era

Some thoughts

This is going to be real quick, since it’s 1:30 am and General Conference is tomorrow.   The revision is going along really well for Genesis Earth–I am really excited about this project.  My only regret is that I don’t have more time to dedicate to it.  As it is, I’m probably putting too much time… Continue reading Some thoughts

This sucks and I’m a horrible writer

It’s getting really, really hard for me not to believe that statement, especially as I finish up with the middle part of this novel.  I’m starting to realize that I made a whole bunch of mistakes pages and pages ago, and that the climaxes just aren’t working without everything set up right. I know, cognitively,… Continue reading This sucks and I’m a horrible writer


Man, I am sick.  It sucks. I’m also at a low spot in writing this novel.  That sucks too. When you get towards the last third of the book you’re writing, you start to have doubts about the whole project.  Is this really any go0d?  Is the story really holding out?  Things slow down a… Continue reading Ugghhhhh…

Slow but steady

Okay, quick post before I go to bed. Things are progressing in this novel, slowly but surely, as you can see from the wordcount.  Unlike past weeks, I’m not pushing myself too hard, mostly because I’ve got a lot of schoolwork right now and if I were to spend much more time on this novel,… Continue reading Slow but steady

“You do watcha gotta do for Rock ‘n Roll, ya know?”

Check this out. Apparently, back in the 80s, U2 randomly decided to put on a show on the roof of a liquor store in the middle of LA. A free show. They played one of their best songs, “Where the streets have no name,” and then the police shut them down. This video is apparently… Continue reading “You do watcha gotta do for Rock ‘n Roll, ya know?”

…and they all lived evily ever after.

Today we had a quark writing group party, and it was lots of fun! We all went up to drek‘s new house, up in Draper, and read some of our really old, really bad first attempts at writing stories. Good times! Drek, Nick, lexish, slipperyjim, jakeson, gamila, aneeka, and one of my friends from the… Continue reading …and they all lived evily ever after.

Almost at part 3

Wow, writing this novel is going a lot faster than I had thought. At the same time, though, I sometimes worry that I’m not going fast enough. I broke the 50k mark this week, and I haven’t even gotten to any of the major climaxes yet. This thing could easily go to 90k words before… Continue reading Almost at part 3


I’m sludging through the middle of Bringing Estella Home.  I’ve heard people call this the “blue collar work” of writing, all the parts between the beginning chapters and climactic ending chapters.  I believe it. In particular, I was having some difficulty with chapter 7 last week.  I have, basically, three separate plot threads tied up… Continue reading Progress!