Broke 40k words today…again. I looked back while compiling my submission for English 318 and realized that I could cut 1,000 words from the middle of one chapter without losing anything. So I did it. And now I’m back to about 40,500 words. And…I’m delirious. Stayed up late hanging up with Steve last night. Combine… Continue reading Breaking 40k
Tag: Thoughts and Reflections
LTUE 2009
Wow. Life, the Universe, and Everything 2009 is over, and it’s hard to believe that only three days have passed. It feels as if this symposium has been going on for a week, and that’s a good thing. Friday and Saturday, I spent practically every waking moment in the Wilk, the student center where the… Continue reading LTUE 2009
It’s been a while
Man, it’s been a while since I wrote on this blog. I guess I’m caught in the semester tailspin or something. Writing’s going really well, though. I’m about 100 pages into Bringing Estella Home right now, and even though I’m probably a day or two behind where I’d like to be, I’m generally right on… Continue reading It’s been a while
I love writing
Man, I love writing. I wrote 1,617 words today, and when I wasn’t writing I was thinking about what I was going to write. I only regret that I waited until about 10:30 pm to start writing; it’s 2:10 am and I still haven’t started my Arabic homework 😛 When I started Hero in Exile,… Continue reading I love writing
I swear I’m not morbid
Wow, I had a interesting experience writing today. I only got about 650 words in, but I spent almost half an hour just walking around and thinking about it. The basic premise of Bringing Estella Home (I should probably think of a better title…) is that the young protagonist was forcibly and unexpectedly separated from… Continue reading I swear I’m not morbid
Interview with a character
Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged here. Or anywhere else. Things are going well. I’ve been writing steadily this past week, and it’s going swimmingly well. I’m really, really excited for the novel I’m working on right now! I’m about 12,500 words into it right now, and my only frustration is that I… Continue reading Interview with a character
Productivity breakdown
I’ve been thinking a lot about the writing I accomplished in the past few semesters. In some ways, I worry that I’ve become a lot more disorganized and a lot less productive than I was a year ago. Back in winter ’08, I took a couple of really difficult classes, got up early each morning… Continue reading Productivity breakdown
Well, it’s a new year now, and English 318 has started! We had a wonderful class yesterday, getting things set up, figuring out our writing groups and all that. I am so looking forward to this semester! With all of these changes happening, I thought I’d do a little recap and assessment of the last… Continue reading Assessment
What does your muse look like?
I’m reading this interesting book by Stephen King that is a mix of personal memoir and writing advice. It’s a very interesting book, even if the language is much more colorful than anything you hear in Provo (except while in traffic, that is). At one point, Stephen King got off on a tangent and described… Continue reading What does your muse look like?
The Mongol hordes…in SPACE!
A while ago, I wrote a post on this blog about what we were learning in History 240 about the Turks, the Seljuks, and the Mongols. Fascinating stuff! Really epic! Genghis Khan, Tamarlane, Tugril Beg, and all the rest of those guys may have been bloody, totalitarian rulers, but they did some incredible stuff, especially… Continue reading The Mongol hordes…in SPACE!