2,850 words more than I thought I could write today

Yes, that’s true. I wrote 2,850 words today, and it’s more than I thought I could do. I’m trying to finish up Genesis Earth, but it’s difficult because I haven’t been with these characters in a long time and I’ve forgotten a lot of their motivations. I look at what I’ve written before and I… Continue reading 2,850 words more than I thought I could write today

I am SO ready to wash the dust of this semester from my feet

Ugh.  I feel like this has been my worst semester yet.  Not in terms of grades, or in terms of social life, or even in terms of workload, but just…in terms of my classes.  Classes, and just school in general. Here’s what I’ve figured out.  My best, most enjoyable classes are the ones that really… Continue reading I am SO ready to wash the dust of this semester from my feet

Change of plans

So, it’s been two weeks since the end of Thanksgiving break, and things have changed quite a bit.  I’ve been struggling quite a bit with my story.  I could hardly get past the first chapter of the second section of the novel, and I’m at a critical point where I have to start introducing key… Continue reading Change of plans

Crash course

Alright, I haven’t done any writing in my novel today.  I admit it, and I admit that I have no excuse for it.  I just didn’t do it. The reason that I didn’t do any writing (not the excuse) is that I’ve been way too busy checking out this series of fascinating economic presentations. These… Continue reading Crash course

Not bad…but not where I need to be, either

959 words isn’t bad.  But I want to be further along in the story than where I am.  I need to get Tristan out into space so that he can meet the space trading family, fit himself into their dynamic on the spaceship, develop a new romantic interest, find out about their religion, and be… Continue reading Not bad…but not where I need to be, either

Section one complete

Yes!  I finished section 1 of my novel Hero in Exile today (the rough draft, at least).  The main character, Tristen, just had everything he thought he knew pulled right out from under him, and now he’s on his way “home” to a world he knows nothing about.  New characters, new problems, change of scenery,… Continue reading Section one complete


Yay!  I’m FINALLY past the really difficult part of the story.  And man, I’ve written so much these past two days.  3,199 words today, 2,727 yesterday!  That’s something of an accomplishment! Of course, that doesn’t mean that I’d ever let anyone see what I just wrote.  Holy cow, it is so rough!  It’s probably riddled… Continue reading Hooray!


Ugh.  This romance in my novel is so…vomitous.  Awkward.  I hope I’m doing something right, but I have no idea.  It’s WAY harder to write good romance than it is to write good action.  Stuff blowing up is so much simpler. At least I can fix it in revision.  That’s what I tell myself, anyways.


Happy Thanksgiving!  Holy cow, I ate a lot.  Had dinner with the McQueens, my sister’s husband’s grandparents, and all the inlaws.  My sister-in-law can cook a mean chocolate pie.  Holy cow.  Delicious. So, when I wasn’t eating or groggily digesting over at my in-laws’ house, I was writing.  It was pretty tough, to be honest. … Continue reading Unstuck