Yeah! My last class this week ended at 3:00 on Monday, so I decided to borrow the Lord of the Rings movies from my brother-in-law and throw a marathon! Instead of watching them all in one day (which would probably have been really disgusting), we watched one each night, Monday thru Wednesday. It was way… Continue reading Lord of the Rings marathon
Tag: Thoughts and Reflections
Yes. I finally broke through this one scene that’s been giving me trouble for the last few days. I don’t believe in writer’s block, but I do believe in writer’s avoidance, and I’ve had that for the past ten days or so because of this one chapter. I’ve really wanted–and really needed–to get beyond this… Continue reading Satisfaction
I’m being responsible (for once)
I’ve got this history paper due on Thursday. It’s the big research paper for the semester, and it counts for a large portion of the final grade. Because the deadline is coming up, it’s really pressing on my mind right now. Earlier in the semester, we had smaller assignments related to the paper–for example, we… Continue reading I’m being responsible (for once)
No writing yesterday…but there is a reason
Well, as you may notice, I didn’t write at all yesterday. My wordcount meters are both down significantly, especially the 7 day one. Grr…I will get them back up before too long! New goal: get both meters in the red by the end of the week. However, I have a reason for not writing, and… Continue reading No writing yesterday…but there is a reason
A couple of weeks ago, we started learning about the Seljuk Turks in History 240 (History of the Middle East to 1800). This band of rugged, horse-riding nomads went from mercenary warriors of some Persian dynasty to the de facto rulers of nearly half the Muslim world. In an era when radical Shi’ism swept across… Continue reading Destiny
The week is OVER!!!
I am so happy. Yeah, I’ve got a current events paper I’ve got to write for MESA 201…but I can do that in like twenty minutes. Especially since the paper itself is not due, just the stuff that has to be peer critiqued. And really MESA 201 is like a flashback to high school, so… Continue reading The week is OVER!!!
Hooray for Obama!
Well, the President of the United States has been decided. Obama won. I honestly can’t say that I’m disappointed. No president would do all of the things that I want him to do, but I think Obama is going to steer this country in the right direction. Less foreign intervention, more multilateralism and better relations… Continue reading Hooray for Obama!
Halloween and Nanowrimo kickoff
So, if you checked my blog earlier today, you may have noticed the, um, lack of progress as noted by the speedometers. Well, all I can say is that yesterday was kind of a special case, it being a holiday and all. However, it was an awesome Halloween! I went to work at 10:30 am… Continue reading Halloween and Nanowrimo kickoff
Man, I’ve been busy this week. I have been making progress–750 words isn’t bad, even if it is lower than I’d like–but I haven’t moved past this one scene. It’s kind of frustrating. I have the next couple of scenes figured out in my head, and I’m really excited to get to them (they’ve got… Continue reading Grr…
Okay, a new direction
I owe a lot to Aneeka. She is the one who motivated me to write The Phoenix of Nova Terra back in 2007 when I didn’t really think I could finish a novel before the end of the school year. Like I said in the last post, I’ve hit something of a wall in my… Continue reading Okay, a new direction