Hero of Ages release party tomorrow!

Tomorrow at 5:30 pm is the Mistborn release party at the BYU Bookstore!  I am so excited! Brandon Sanderson is a great fantasy writer, an awesome teacher of creative writing at BYU, and a really friendly, approachable, good person.  I had loads of fun in the English 318 class he teaches (definitely my favorite class… Continue reading Hero of Ages release party tomorrow!

Wrestling with my novel

Grrr…writing was so hard today. It probably didn’t help that I was operating on only four hours of sleep, or recovering from a sickness, or constantly allowing myself to be distracted, but for some combination of these and other reasons, it was just really hard to write today. I usually love revising.  I think it… Continue reading Wrestling with my novel

Revising, outlining, and a goals adjustment

The comments on my last post were really interesting, and made me do some thinking today. When I sat down to work on Phoenix today, I decided to look at the broader picture by outlining, in two or three sentences, what is going on in each scene I’ve revised so far. As I did this,… Continue reading Revising, outlining, and a goals adjustment

Letter to the Daily Universe

My roommate Matt wrote this awesome letter to The Daily Universe last year (scroll down to the heading “Message for Sisters” to read his letter), and garnered some incredibly hilarious responses from the BYU community. He struck a tightly strung chord in this community, something that everyone here at BYU spends a lot of time… Continue reading Letter to the Daily Universe


Dang.  I haven’t written at all for the past two days.  That’s lame. Fortunately, I have a really good idea for a short story / abstract little piece / whatever.  I don’t usually write short fiction, but when I do get an idea for something, wow.  It’s like Ray Bradbury: one of the characters does… Continue reading Dang.