First week craziness

So, this last week was the first week of school.  It was as crazy as anything.  Back to classes, back to papers, readings, buying books, waking up early…everything. Fortunately, even though I’m taking six classes, three of them are only two credit hours, so the load is going to be somewhat lighter, freeing me up… Continue reading First week craziness

Critical Mass

Stars form when billions of tons of gas, scattered across space in the midst of an impossibly huge nebula, gradually come together through the attractive pull of gravity.  Over the course of thousands of years, these gases slowly, almost imperceptibly come together, until they reach a critical mass.  When that critical mass is achieved, the… Continue reading Critical Mass

Spin has spun me

Just last week, I finished one of the best science fiction books I’ve read all year! It’s called Spin, by Robert Charles Wilson, and I think it won a Hugo award. My first reaction, after reading the VERY satisfying ending, was “Wow! This book is everything that good science fiction should be!” My second reaction,… Continue reading Spin has spun me